Aarhus University Seal

Horsens Tour

Tour: Biogas plant, biodiesel plant and dairy farm

Green energy sources are hot topics worldwide and also in Denmark. On this tour we will visit advanced plants for biogas and biodiesel production and show you an example of an advanced and well-designed dairy farm.

The Trip will start at 9:00 from Ny Munkegade in Aarhus and return to the same destination at 16:00. The first stop will be at the dairy farm, the second stop will be at the biogas plant. Thereafter a lunch, which is included, will be served at a restaurant in Horsens. The total bus trip will be app. 120 km. 300 DKK / 40 Euro.

Biogas plant
The raw material for this plant is 75% animal slurry from neighboring farms, counting for 25% of the gas production and 25% industrial sources counting for 75% of the gas production. The plant is quite advanced in that way, that the produced biogas is induced into the Danish natural gas grid via a gas quality controlling section. The biogas production corresponds to heating of 4 000 households and is in progress to be increased to a gas production corresponding to 15 000 households, where the plant will include a water and an amine scrubber.

You will be guided around and see the different elements of the plant and get information about the first years experiences.

Aalkærgaardvej 13, 8700 Horsens

Biodiesel plant
With regard to breaking the infection chain of serious animal diseases, it is no longer possible in EU to feed farmed animals with Meat and Bone meal products based on certain residues from livestock. An alternative use of these residues from slaughterhouses and dead animals from farms, is to convert it into biodiesel through an advanced 2nd generation production plant. We will visit such a plant and get a short presentation of the process from animal products into biodiesel and production results will be shown for the last 4 years. Due to security reason, the plant will only be seen from an inspection platform. 

Daka Denmark A/S, Dakavej 10, 8723 Løsning.

Dairy farm
Until 1950 all dairy farms in Denmark used tie stalls for dairy cows.  Today nearly all dairy farms are based on loose housing. We will visit a few years old naturally ventilated dairy farm with 420 dairy cows and an automatic milking system. This farm is exceptionally in its building design and it differs from traditional Danish design of dairy farms. A part of the slurry is separated into a liquid fraction and a compost fraction used as bedding material for the cows. The farm is untraditional in having its own milk sales.

Vejlskovgaard, Favrgaardsvej 265, 8300 Odder.