Aarhus University Seal

PowerPoint presentations from the conference  

General programme (Word)

General programme (pdf)

Keynote lecture Environmental taxation and the transition to a green economy (pdf) by Jock Martin (& Hans Bruyninckx) EEA (Europen Environment Agency)

Keynote lecture Time to take stock - changing the role and narrative of environmental taxation (pdf) by Professor Michael Grubb, University College London

Keynote lecture A green tax proposal to address fiscal and environmental issues (pdf) by Professor Claudia Dias Soares, Portugal's Green Tax Commission

Keynote lecture Environmental fiscal reform in the EU (pdf) by Chris Boyd, European Commission

Panel debate Plenary Panel on Fiscal Consolidation and Environmental taxation (pdf) Ian Parry, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF (International Monetary Fund)

Keynote lecture The trade and climate change debate and the topic of border tax adjustments (pdf) by Counsellor Ludivine Tamiotti, WTO (World Trade Organization)

Kreiser Award (pdf)

Keynote lecture Are carbon taxes the solution? Design of policies to deal with climate change (pdf) by Professor Thomas Sterner, IPCC coordinationg lead author, University of Gothenburg

Keynote lecture Policy innovation in a changing climate: sources, patterns and effects (INOGOV) (pdf) by Professor Andrew Jordan, Tyndall Centre, University of East Anglia

Next years conference GCET16 Host

Closing remarks (pdf) by Professor Emeritus Larry Kreiser, Cleveland State University 

All presentations (as presented at the GCET15 conference) - Please CLICK HERE