Aarhus University Seal

Food Safety Concerns in Comtemporary China

How do Chinese consumers establish trust in food in an unsafe market? This talk presents anxieties, trust and new food chains on the Chinese market, including the role of organic and imported food.


Anders Sybrandt Hansen is an associate professor of China studies and anthropology at Aarhus University. He has written on education and transnational education migration, political subject-formation and party-state language. He is currently working with two colleagues at Copenhagen U on a three-person project on ethics and food “Moral Economies of Food in Contemporary China”.

Email: etnoash@cas.au.dk

Web: http://pure.au.dk/portal/en/persons/anders-sybrandt-hansen(4962ee31-d4df-4c18-a98c-970ad9112588).html

Mikkel Bunkenborg is an associate professor in China Studies at the University of Copenhagen. His research revolves around contemporary Chinese society and the anthropology of the sinophone world with an emphasis on bodies, health, and medicine, on religion, ritual, and politics in rural China, on globalizing China, and more recently, morality and food.

Mail: msn512@hum.ku.dk   

Web: http://ccrs.ku.dk/staff/?pure=en/persons/76464