Aarhus University Seal


Professor Bjarne Wahlgren

Bjarne Wahlgren is a professor in adult education and director for the National Centre for Competence Development at the Danish School of Education, Aarhus University. His research focuses on teacher training, competence development, evaluation and, in recent years, educational dropout.

At the conference, he will present his work on ‘Assessment and transformation of competence’

Associate professor Jeppe Læssøe

Jeppe Læssøe is a professor with special responsibilities for research on environmental and sustainability education at the Danish School of Education, Aarhus University. His research focuses on social learning and socio-cultural change related to sustainable development issues. At the conference, he will present his work on ‘The concept of sustainability; dilemmas and educational approaches’.

Professor Silvia Gherardi

Silvia Gherardi is a senior professor at the Research Unit on Communication, Organizational Learning and Aesthetics, University of Trento. Her research focuses on learning and knowing in practice-based studies and on post-qualitative research methodologies. At the conference, she will present her work on ‘A post humanist approach to practices of sustainable development’.

Associate professor Lotte Darsø

An educational perspective: Lotte Darsø PhD and Associate Professor in Innovation at Department of Learning, The Danish School of Education, University of Aarhus. A leading experts in creativity and innovation.

Managing director Svein Berg, Nordic innovation

Svein Berg has a wide and long experience from working with innovation and business development both nationally and internationally.  Berg has experience from both the private sand the public sector. He is now working to increase and strengthen Nordic Innovation.

Kirsten M. Andersen, PhD , associate professor at University College of Education, South & Chairman of Grundtvig Forum, Vartov