Aarhus University Seal



Day 1

Lunch ("Aula" Building A)


Welcome  by  Claus Holm, leader of the Danish School of Education

Programme and practical information
by facilitator Jonas Andreasen Lysgaard ("Festsal" Building A)



Bjarne Wahlgren: ‘Assessment and transformation of competence

Jeppe Læssøe: ‘The concept of sustainability;
dilemmas and educational approaches’.

Plenary debate. Facilitated by  Jonas Andreasen Lysgaard


Coffee break


Paper sessions 1

1A. Chair Rasmus Kolby (Room A403)
“Popular Education by Migrants and for Migrants –Organization and Meaning-making”,
Henrik Nordvall, Annika Pastuhov, Ali Osman, Linköping University, SE

“The Role of Workers´ Edification in Empowering Migrants for Employment”,
Anja Heikkinen, Tampere University, FI

“Integrating Approaches to Second-Language and Professional Identity Construction”,
Marise Lehto, Turku  University, FI

1B. Chair Anne Larson, DPU/AU (Room A405)
“The Promotion of Meaningful Student Engagement by Teaching Academics - A regional Australian University Qualitative Case Study”,
Donna Goldie, John Cook University, Australia.

“Dynamics of Knowledge and Communications in Teacher Education: Newness in Beginner Teacher`s Inquiry into not Knowing and Knowing. Exploring Concepts and Relations for Sustainable Teacherhood”,
Anne Cathrine Hogsnes Asplin, Pernille Jahnsen Berg, University of South-Eastern Norway, NO


Mingling wine, snacks


Day 2


Future Competences – a Challenge for Educational Institutions
Panel debate 

  • Innovation and educational perspektive /by prof. Lotte Darsø
  • Nordic and business perspective /by Svein Berg Managing Director Nordic Innovation
  • Civil Society and NGO perspective, /by Kirsten M Andersen, PhD, Chairmann Grundtvigs Forum


Coffee break


Plenary debate facilitated by Jonas Andreasen Lysgaard




Paper sessions 2

2A. Chair Anja Heikkinen, Tampere University (Room A401)
”In search of a transformative pedagogy - a study of experiences and consequences amongst teachers facing resistance to workplace based gender training”,
Helene Brewer, Stadsadm. Malmö, SE

“Gestaltungskompetenz” revisided: Program Analysis with Topic Modeling as a Type-forming Process”.
Thomas Prescher, Wilhelm Löhe Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften, DE

“Between Digital Divides and Capabilities - applying Results from Digital Literacy Studies to Adult Education in Norway”,
Ingrid Radtke, Katrine Utgård, Kompetence Norge, NO

2B. Chair Malene Thøgersen, VIFO, Henriette Bjerrum, VIFO (Room A403)
“Inclusion of People diagnosed with High-functioning Autism at Swedish Folk High Schools”,
Joel Hedegaard, Cecilia Bjursell & Martin Hugo, Encell, SE

“Community Power Learning Process: A Substantive Theory about Adult Group Learning Experiences”, Tuovi Leppänen , Jamk, University of Applied Sciences, FI

“Pedagogical Atmosphere – the Danish Folk High Schools as Pedagogical Places”,
Rasmus Kolby Rahbek, DPU, Aahus University, DK

Roundtable (Room A405)
“Nordic Network of Folkbildning Researchers”, Trine Bendix Knudsen, DFS,DK.David Samuelson, Studieförbunden, SE, Gro Holstad, VOFO, NO, Johanni  Larjanko, Bildningsalliancen, FI, Stine  Hohwü-Christensen, DFS,DK, Annika Pastuhov, LIU, SE, Jonas Andreasen Lysgaard, DPU/AU, DK  Jorunn  M Steinøien, NTNU,NO. Nordic


Coffee break


Paper sessions 3

3A. Chair Sissel Kondrup, PhD, EVA (Room A403)
“Workplace Learning in the Changing Work Contexts - Sustainable Competence Development or ad hoc Information Retrieval?”,
Soila Lemmetty & Sara Keronen, Jyväskylä University, FI

“Sustainability of Inter-organisational Networks in Adult Education, 
Mathias Alke, Humboldt University, DE

“Developing a Partnership approach to recognition of prior learning”,
Mads Peter Klindt, Aalborg University, DK

3B. Chair Henrik Nordvall, Linköping University (Room A401) 
“Creativity for Life not just for Christmas’; promoting the 3T’s of Creativity as a vehicle for Organisational Sustainability and Development”,
Kym Drady & Paul-Alan Armstrong, University of Sunderland, UK

“Epistemic Organizing between Transition, Transgression and Transcendence”,
Susanna Maria Weber & Marc-André Heidelmann, University of Marburg, DE

3C. Roundtable to be continued (RoomA405)
“Nordic Network of Folkbildning Researchers”, Trine Bendix Knudsen, DFS,DK, David Samuelson, Studieförbunden, SE. Johanni  Larjanko, Bildningsalliancen, FI, Stine  Hohwü-Christensen, DFS,DK, Annika Pastuhov, LIU, SE, Jonas Andreasen Lysgaard, DPU/AU, DK,  Jorun  M. Stenøien, NTNU,NO, Gro Holstad, VOFO NO, Nordic


General assembly


Conference dinner


Day 3



Silvia Gherardi: ‘Learning and knowing in situated practices: A post humanist approach’.


Coffee break


Paper sessions 4

4A. Chair Tuovi Leppännen, Jamk, University of Applied Sciences, FI (Room A403)
“Nordic popular Education in Translation: Interaction between Knowledge Traditions within Vi  Agroforestry education for Kenyan farmers Joyce Kemuna, Dalarna university, Henrik Nordvall, Linköping University, SE

“Building Democracy and Civil Society through political Organisations in an African context”, Kristin Madsen, Oslo Metropolitan, Senterpartiets Studieförbund, NO

4B. Chair Maria Marquard, NVL /DPU/AU (Room A405)
“Crisis of Legitimacy or Adaptation to a new institutional Context? The case of Danish Evening Schools”, Malene Thøgersen, VIFO, DK

“Union Career Guidance in Denmark”, Kristina Mariager-Anderson, DPU Aarhus University, DK

“Danish Labour Unions and Adult Education”, Anne Larson, DPU Aarhus University, DK


End of  the conference (Bulding A "Festsal")


Lunch to go


Download program (PDF)