Aarhus University Seal

Special Session

G­ender, energy and climate change: Advancing research & practice in gender, energy and climate change across and beyond Europe

Chairs: Susan Buckingham, Centre for Human Geography, Brunel University, UK, and Ines de Sanchez Madariaga, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain


It is evident that the causes of climate change are gendered, as are the effects.
This round table discussion proposes to address the following issues:

  • How are attitudes towards, and thinking about energy and climate change affected by gender, as well as by other vectors of disadvantage (such as income, age, disability, race/ethnicity, parenthood?)
  • What are the links between gender-balanced decision-making and more effective policies to mitigate climate change and provide climate-neutral energy options?
  • How can policy making in these areas at the local, national, and international become more gender sensitive?
  • How do gendered experiences of energy use and climate change vary between countries, cultures and world regions?
  • What and where are the gaps in research into gender, energy and climate change?

Panellists include:

  • Karen Morrow, "Women's Participation in Climate Change Governance; why we need it, how we can reduce barriers"
  • Hilda Rohmer, "Impact of gender differences in transport on energy consumption and climate change"
  • Sherilyn MacGregor, "The politics of energy consumption in the North: feminist challenges to dominant discourses"
  • Berit Aasen, "A gendered view from the South: access to energy and impact of climate change"
  • Marcella Schmidt, "Women facing change: the climate dimension"
  • Richard Langlais "Who responds to climate change best? A perspective from Swedish municipalities."

­This roundtable is part of a broader inquiry into the ‘state of the art’ of research into gender, energy and climate change, which will inform the development of a major research initiative to influence national and international policy. This is an initiative of the genderSTE COST Action to advance the state of the art in knowledge and policy implementation on gender, science, technology and environment through creating a network of policy-makers and experts on gender, science and technology. Further details at: http://www.cost.eu/about_cost/governance/genderste