The 10th workshop on Electrostatic Storage Devices will take place at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University on June 16-19th 2025.
During more than two decades the use of electrostatic storage devices have proven increasingly important in the study of microscopic systems spanning across disciplines as atomic, molecular, and nuclear physics as well as the physics with nano-scale particles.
Electrostatic storage devices facilitate trapping of moving ions in purely electrostatic fields and benefits in particular from the mass independency of the trapping mechanism and allows for the study of microscopic processes over a wide range of time scales and with controlled conditions of temperature and excitation.
We welcome scientists from both the established community that already apply electrostatic storage devices as well as scientist that plan or could see a potential future use in their research field. The workshop will focus on both new scientific results as well as new instrument developments.
The present workshop follows a series of international workshops on Electrostatic Storage Devices. Previous workshops have been held in Eilat, Israel (2005), Stockholm, Sweden (2007), Aarhus, Denmark (2009), Gatlinburg, USA (2011), Heidelberg Germany (2013), Tokyo Japan (2015), Lyon, France (2017), Tianjin, China (2019), and Rehovot, Israel (2023).
Lars H. Andersen, Aarhus University, Denmark
Jerome Bernard, Claude Bernard University, Lyon 1, France
Lorentz S. Cederbaum, Heidelberg University, Germany
Robert Continetti, University of California San Diego, USA
Michael Gatchell, Stockholm University, Sweden
Dag Hanstorp, University of Gothenburg, Sweeden
Leonhard Isberner, Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Germany
Christine Joblin, Institut de Recherche en Atrophysique et Planetologie, Toulouse France
Holger Kreckel, Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Germany
Thomas Toft Lindkvist, Aarhus University, Denmark
Ltaief ben Ltaief, Aarhus University, Denmark
Lars Bojer Madsen, Aarhus University, Denmark
Lukas Nies, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland
Lutz Schweikhard, University of Greifswald, Germany
Richard Thomas, Stockholm University, Sweeden
Yoni Toker, Bar Ilan University, Israel
Daniel Zajfman, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Link to list to come
International advisory committee | Local organising committee | |
Serge Martin (Université Lyon, France) Yoni Toker (Weismann Institute of Science, Israel) Robert Continetti (UCSD, US) Holger Kreckel (MPIK, Germany) Andreas Wolf (MPIK, Germany) Toshiyuki Azuma (RIKEN, Japan) Christine Joblin (IRAP, Toulouse, France) Klavs Hansen (Tianjin University, China) Henning T. Schmidt (Stockholm University, Sweden) Henning Zettergren (Stockholm University, Sweden) | Henrik B. Pedersen (Chair) Steen Brøndsted Nielsen Karin Vittrup (coordinator) |
Deadline for abstract for talk submission 1st May 2025
Deadline for abstract for poster presentation submission is 1st June 2025
Registration deadline 5th June 2025