Aarhus University Seal

May 18-21, 2026 - Fredericia, Denmark

EWEG/2D - 7th European Workshop on Epitaxial Graphene and 2D Materials

The 7th European Workshop on Epitaxial Graphene and 2D Materials will take place at Trinity Hotel and Conference in Fredericia, Denmark on May 18-21, 2026.

Following the tradition of the EWEG/2D series, the 7th edition will once again serve as a vibrant forum for the materials science community to examine and discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by epitaxially grown 2D materials on suitable substrates.

The 2026 workshop will highlight a broad manifold of 2D systems—ranging from graphene, boron nitride, phosphorene, and transition metal chalcogenides to a new generation of topological materials (stanene, plumbene, bismuthene, tellurene), as well as MXenes, oxides, nitrides, and carbides. Particular attention will be given to 2D derivatives formed by in-plane assemblies or vertically stacked architectures, including chemically or structurally engineered layers designed to tailor specific properties.

The scope of the discussions will encompass both fundamental experimental and theoretical research, addressing growth mechanisms, electronic and transport properties, magnetic and optical phenomena, and spintronic applications. Additionally, topics such as strain and defect engineering, catalysis, and energy harvesting and storage will be explored, underscoring the multidisciplinary nature of 2D materials research.

Invited Speakers



International Scientific Committee Local Organising Committee
  • Matthias Batzill, University of South Florida, USA
  • Carsten Busse, Universität Siegen, Germany
  • Johann Coraux,  CNRS-Institut Néel  & Université Grenoble Alpes, France
  • Yuriy Dedkov, Shanghai University, China
  • Oliver Gröning, Empa, Switzerland
  • Liv Hornekær, Aarhus University, Denmark
  • Rosanna Larciprete, CNR-Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi, Italy
  • Silvano Lizzit, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Italy
  • José Ángel Martín-Gago, CSIC-Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales, Spain
  • Thomas Michely, University of Cologne, Germany

Jill Miwa (Chair), Aarhus University, Denmark

Karin Vittrup (Coordinator), Aarhus University, Denmark