Aarhus University Seal


Please note that all talks will be streamed on Zoom. Virtual participants should have received a Zoom link in their emails. Talks marked "(Zoom)" are those given virtually by the speaker; all other talks will be given by an in-person speaker.


  Wednesday Thursday Friday
09.00-09.50 David Paukzstello Daniel Labardini-Fragoso Ilke Canakci
09.50-10.30 Coffee Coffee Coffee
10.30-11.20 Julia Sauter (Zoom) Bethany Marsh (Zoom) Gustavo Jasso
11.30-12.20 Johanne Haugland Matt Pressland Okke van Garderen
12.20-14.30 Lunch Lunch Lunch
14.30-15.20 Janina Letz Maitreyee Kulkarni Emine Yildirim
15.20-15.50 Coffee Coffee Coffee
15.50-16.40 Sibylle Schroll (Zoom) Hipolito Treffinger (Zoom) Pierre-Guy Plamondon
18.00-   Conference Dinner