Aarhus University Seal

The Rise of Science and Fiction

  • Seminar 7 November 2024

About the conference

You are invited to a full day event arranged by Centre for the Rise of Science and Fiction with keynote speakers dedicated to exploring the relationship between science and fiction in the Enlightenment period.  The seminar will explore questions such as:

  • How did a new scientific discourse come to shape 18th century genres and institutions of fiction and literature such as novels, periodicals, travelogues, the theatre, and poetry?
  • In what ways do fictionality (in the form of parables, thought experiment, metaphors, fictional dialogue etc.) appear in scientific discourse of the 18th century?
  • Can we detect that a discourse of fact and/or fictionality is changing in the 18th century when looking at concrete texts, overall epistemology, specific genres, lexicons, or other?
  • Are certain genres or sub-genres as science fiction more open to the changes of science and fiction in this period, and might a comparative study reveal parallels or differences in the development of the period?