Aarhus University Seal

RoboLabs: Building Surfaces of Intelligibility

Pre-recorded talk | THEORY I

This video is not available any longer from this site; check the author’s personal websites for any additional postings;  the paper will appear in the RP2020 Proceedings in December


Henning Mayer, Technical University of Munich (DE)



Henning Mayer studied Cognitive Science (MSc.) and Sociology (MA.) in London (UCL) and Bielefeld. He works as a research associate and doctoral candidate at the "Munich Center for Technology in Society" (MCTS) at TU Munich. Previously, he worked as a research associate and lecturer at the Department of Media Sociology at the University of Bielefeld. His doctoral project is concerned with the social practices and implications of the development and programming of robots, human-robot interaction (HRI), and the relationship between robotic and social intelligence. To this end, he is actively involved in ongoing cooperations with university-based robotics institutes.

Full Title

RoboLabs: Building Surfaces of Intelligibility


Whether it is humanoid robots or chatbots: their thinking is on the surface and their promises are on the deep end. Superficial activity data is used to make emotions and attitudes available for development - mostly based on technologies that are not introspective. This paper translates this ambivalence into an analytics of the interconnectivity of intelligence types. Humans but also machines become visible here only as designs of the coupling of algorithmic and hermeneutic intelligences - as carriers that have to be arranged in such a way that different types of intelligence can offer each other their need for complementation.