Aarhus University Seal

Oliver Bendel

Oliver Bendel was born in 1968 in Ulm. After completing his degree in philosophy and German philology as well as in information science at the University of Constance, and after his first professional experiences he did his doctorate in information systems at the University of St. Gallen. Bendel has been working in Germany and in Switzerland as a project manager for new media and as a supervisor of the engineering and science departments of several universities. Today he lives in Switzerland working as a freelance writer and as professor at the School of Business FHNW. Since 1998 he wrote about 250 scientific contributions, including diverse books such as “Die Rache der Nerds” (UVK, 2012) with reflections and storys in regard to information ethics, “300 Keywords Informationsethik” (Springer Gabler, 2016) about information ethics and machine ethics as well as “Die Moral in der Maschine” (Heise Medien, 2016) about moral machines.