Aarhus University Seal

Capitalism, Labour and the Totalising Drive of Technology

Niklas Toivakainen, University of Helsinki, Finland

As the conference description rightly points out the automation of labour and its socio-economic, political and ethical challenges are directly connected to a strive for gained productivity. The goal of my paper is to analyse the dialectical relationship (particularly within a capitalist system) between labour, productivity and surplus-value, to illustrate that the expansion and deepening of automation of labour by the help of robotics pushes the logic of master-slave dialectics to its logical conclusion, and to illustrate how and why the question of just distribution (e.g. universal basic income) is inherently part of this dynamics. I will push the analysis further by reflecting on what hopes and promises are invested in the imperative for gained productivity, searching for, via a short genealogical depiction, the underpinning moral-existential energy and drive forming a (by now more or less) global culture that, in its imagination, has come to see a widening and deepening of a technological presence and dependency as unavoidable.