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Submissions to RP2020 Conference Proceedings

The following information is exclusively for speakers, workshop organizers, and workshop speakers who presented their work at the RP2020 conference.  The Proceedings of RP2020 will appear in the Series "Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Applications" of IOS Press, in December 2020. There are three types of submissions for the conference proceedings: (1) conference papers (relating to the session talks at the conference), (2) workshop descriptions by workshop organizers, and (3) long abstracts by workshops speakers .  (Workshop speakers have the option of (i) merely contributing to the workshop description by the organizer with a short abstract, (ii) submitting a long abstract (default), or (iii) submitting a 'conference paper' instead of a long abstract.) 

For Session Speakers at RP2020: Submission of CONFERENCE PAPERS 

  1. The general submission deadline is October 1, 2020. [No extensions possible]
  2. Your conference paper should be about 4000-5000 wordsincluding references. (If strictly necesary you may exceed this limit up to 6000 words, but not beyond)
  3. Please prepare your contribution using use the publisher's templates for formating and referencing:
  4. Instructions to authors and template (with sample text).
  5. Your conference paper MUST be checked for grammar and style by a native speaker of English. We cannot provide linguistic editing and we can only accept workshop descriptions that are written in correct English (US or UK), with correct references and formatting, as specified in the instructions and template with text (see item 3).
  6. Please submit the description via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rp2020

For workshop organizers at RP2020: Submissions of WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONS 

  • The general submission deadline is October 1, 2020. [No extensions possible]
  • Your workshop description should be about 1000-3000 words (max 4 pages in the template), including references. (If strictly necessary you may exceed this limit up to 3500 words, but not beyond).
  • Please prepare your contribution using use the publisher's templates for formatting and referencing:
  • Instructions to authors and template (with sample text).
  • Your conference paper MUST be checked for grammar and style by a native speaker of English. We cannot provide linguistic editing and we can only accept workshop descriptions that are written in correct English (US or UK), with correct references and formatting, as specified in the instructions and template with text (see item 3).
  • Please submit the description via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rp2020

For workshop speakers at RP2020: Submission of LONG ABSTRACTS affiliated with a workshop 

  1. The submission deadline for the revised version of the long abstract is October 1, 2020. [No extensions possible]
  2. Please submit your long abstract via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rp2020 
  1. Please prepare your contribution using use the publisher's templates for formatting and referencing. Please find the documentation and templates here:
  1. Your abstract should be about 1000-2000 wordsincluding references. (If strictly necessary you may exceed this limit up to 2500 words, but not beyond).
  2. Your contribution MUST be checked for grammar and style by a native speaker of English. We cannot provide linguistic editing and we can only accept conference long abstracts that are written in correct English (US or UK), with correct references and formatting, as specified in the instructions and template with text (see item 3).

    (Note: workshop speakers have the option to submit either a long abstract or a conference paper based on their contribution to the workshop).