Workshop Description
Collaborative robots have been trending in research and industry over the last years. They are specially constructed to safely work alongside of humans where contact is possible and sometimes even intended. In this talk, we will have a live presentation of the ABB YuMi Robot to show the capabilities and limits of the current generation of collaborative robots. This will be supported by multimedia from the ROBOTICS lab in Klagenfurt and references to the international state-of-the-art. A special focus is set to applications of collaborative robots outside manufacturing (e.g., intralogistics, medicine).
The aspects of safety and security of robots are especially critical in robotic systems that are working in close proximity to humans. Here, safety denotes the guaranteed absence of physical damage caused by a robot while security means the hardening against cyber-attacks. Both, safety and security must be jointly considered when building collaborative robotic applications. In this talk we will briefly sketch which safety measures can be taken in collaborative robots and how security can be deeply integrated to achieve trustworthy robots.
Bernhard Dieber is the head of the research group Robotic Systems at the Institute for Robotics and Mechatronics of JOANNEUM RESEARCH. He received his Master’s degree in applied computer science and PhD in information technology from the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt. His research interests include robotics software, security and dependability of robotic systems, visual sensor networks, embedded systems and middleware.
Responsibility, risk and security are both technical as well as philosophical concepts that play a crucial role in human-robot-interactions. After the first technical presentation in this second talk philosophical conceptualizations of these issues will be presented. The genuine focus is on the question: How is the VDI/FEANI ethics-codex “Fundamentals of Engineering Ethics” ( concretely applied while using the robot Yumi?
In February 2016, Michael Funk, BA MA took up a PraeDoc postition at the chair of Philosophy of Media and Technology at the University of Vienna. Hitherto he had been employed at the TU Dresden (2007 - 2015), where he also completed his studies in Philosophy, German philology, and History. Currently he is working on his PhD thesis which has the working title "Transdisciplinarity in Philosophy of Technology". His research interests touch the areas of philosophy of technology, philosophy of sciences, applied ethics, technology-ethics and robot-ethics. Moreover, he does research in the fields of philosophy of biology and philosophical anthropology, and philosophy of music. Current publications include:
– Coeckelbergh, Mark & Michael Funk 2018: „Wittgenstein as a Philosopher of Technology“ in: Human Studies. Online first 12 January 2018:
– Funk, Michael, Silvio Leuteritz & Bernhard Irrgang (eds.) 2017: Cyberwar @ Drohnenkrieg. Neue Kriegstechnologien philosophisch betrachtet. Würzburg.
– Funk, Michael & Bernhard Irrgang (eds.) 2014: Robotics in Germany and Japan. Philosophical and Technical Perspectives. Frankfurt am Main a.o.