Aarhus University Seal

Masterclass on Derived Category Methods in Ring Theory

Taught by Lars Winther Christensen and Henrik Holm at Aarhus University 13-16 August 2024 (travel days: 12 and 17 August 2024)

Starting from the category of modules over a ring we construct the derived category and the accompanying derived versions of the Hom and tensor product functors. We show how this framework applies to studies of rings and modules. In particular, we demonstrate how, even if one is focused on modules, the derived category is the natural context for homological studies. We also show how ring-theoretic properties, such as being Iwanaga-Gorenstein or regular, are reflected in the derived category.

The intended audience are PhD students, postdocs, and anyone else wishing to learn these methods.  There will be eight lectures and several problem sessions.

Local organisers: Esther Banaian, Raphael Bennett-Tennenhaus, Karin M. Jacobsen, David Nkansah, Amit Shah, and Peter Jørgensen.

Limited support is available for PhD students and postdocs on a first come basis.  Please contact Peter Jørgensen at peter.jorgensen@math.au.dk to inquire about support.

Sign up for the Masterclass here no later than 1 July 2024.