Aarhus University Seal

Abstract submission

The abstract should be written in LaTeX using the template supplied below. Please carefully read the instructions in the template and follow them. Then upload the abstract using the form below. We require the LaTeX file (for further processing), not a PDF file.

The deadline for abstract submission is Wednesday, 15 July 2020.

You can upload the abstract multiple times, we will use the lastest received version

Suggested talks

If, via your registration, you have suggested a talk, please also use the interface below to submit an abstact for the proposed talk.

Abstract submission form

Dynstoch 2020 abstract submission

Submission form
Please upload the filled in LaTeX abstract using the template found above. Please comply to the rules stated in the template.

Please name the file as "dynstoch2020_your_name.tex" (where "your_name" is an ascii version of your name – aka no letters outside a-z)