Aarhus University Seal

Eli Skogerbø's abstract

Title: Challenging the Nordic image of progressiveness: Reflections on experiences with research impact from collaborative, cross-cultural and cross-border projects 

I will address ‘impact’ from the position of a Nordic political communication researcher. The Nordics are often viewed as homogenous and egalitarian democratic welfare societies with similar political and media systems and compared with just about any other region of the world, we are just that. Nevertheless, zooming in on the political communication of the Indigenous, in this context Sami, paints a different picture that is characterized by (post)colonial power structures and societies divided by national borders, languages and institutional differences. I will share my experiences as a non-Indigenous researcher working in collaborative, cross-cultural and cross-border research projects that paradoxically can be described as having both significant impact and being nearly invisible. 

Introduction and moderation: Jannie Møller Hartley, Roskilde University. 


When: Thursday, 20 October 2022, 14.30-16.00: Parallel Keynotes.
Where: The keynote will take place in Per Kirkeby auditorium and is streamed to Eduard Biermann Auditorium (Lake Auditoriums – Campus South).

Bio: Eli Skogerby is Professor at the Department of Media and Communication and Co-director of POLKOM - Center for the Study of Political Communication. Skogerbø researches political communication In Norway and internationally and has recently co-edited (with Øyvind Ihlen, Nete Nørgaard Kristensen & Lars Nord) Power, Communication & Politics in the Nordic Countries, NORDICOM 2021. She currently works with different but related topics in political communication and leads and participates in several national and international research projects addressing elections and election campaign communication; the COVID-19 crisis and crisis communication; and minority and Indigenous political communication.