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Fictionality in Literature: Core Concepts Revisited

Time: May 3-4 2017
Address: Bartholins Allé 3, 8000 Aarhus C
Place: Søauditorierne - Jeppe Vontillius Auditorium (Building 1252, room 310)

The conference Fictionality in Literature: Core Concepts Revisited brings together rhetorical fictionality theory with central concepts and critical terms of literary theory.

Current concepts of literary theory have been developed under different theoretical paradigms (New Criticism, Structuralism, Post-Structuralism, and so on) and many, if not most, of them have relied on unexamined assumptions about the nature of fiction.

This conference explores in which way and to what extent our understanding of literary concepts might change when approaching these from a rhetorical concept of fictionality.


Wednesday, May 3

09.00 - 09.15: Welcome

09.15 - 09.55: Louise Brix Jacobsen: ”Paratext”

09.55 - 10.35: Gerald Prince: ”Reader”

10.35 - 11.15: Henrik Skov Nielsen: ”Author”

11.15 - 12.15: Lunch break

12.15 - 12.55: Sylvie Patron: ”Narrator”

12.55 - 13.35: Porter Abbott: ”Character”

13.35 - 14.15: Maria Mäkelä: ”Consciousness”

14.15 - 14.30: Break

14.30 - 15.10: Laura Karttunen: ”Speech Representation”

15.10 - 15.50: Karin Kukkonen: ”Plot”


Thursday, May 4

09.00 - 09.05: Welcome

09.05 - 09.45: Richard Walsh: ”Metafiction and Metalepsis”

09.45 - 10.25: Lasse Gammelgaard: ”Poetry” 

10.25 - 11.25: Catherine Gallagher and Simona Zetterberg Gjerlevsen: ”Novel”

11.25 - 12.45: Lunch break

12.45 - 13.25: Greta Olson: ”Tropes”

13.25 - 14.05: James Phelan: ”Literary Non-fiction”

14.05 - 14.20: Break

14.20 - 15:00: Jakob Lothe: ”Ethics”

15.00 - 15.40: Susan Lanser: ”Ideology and Social Justice”