Hans van Grinsven

Hans van Grinsven

Hans van Grinsven is Program Manager/Senior Researcher at the Department of Water, Agriculture and Food at Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL).

His assessment work at PBL and publications cover current practices in agriculture and effects on the environment and options for more efficient and sustainable agriculture and food production in the Netherlands, the EU and globally. Hans works at the science-policy interface on nutrient policies and management, integrated nitrogen assessments and, since 2010, on cost-benefit assessments. Increasingly options go beyond “good practices” and research moves to design and evaluation of transitions towards more nature-inclusive, climate neutral agro-food-systems.

Hans currently is a coordinator and principal investigator for the project “towards the establishment of an Ïnternational Nitrogen Management System” (INMS 2017-2024) funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and was a coordinator and editor of the European Nitrogen Assessment. He is a member of the Scientific Committee on Nutrient Management Policy (CDM) for the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture.

Hans holds an MSc (1982; Soil chemistry and physics) and PhD (1988; Impact of Acid Atmospheric Deposition on Soils) from Wageningen University.

Google Scholar profile

At the XXII N Workshop, he will give a keynote on Lessons from cost-benefit analyses of the nitrogen cascade for policy support from national, to European and global scale.

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Friederike Malisch-Johnigk (Conference Bureau)
