Ute Skiba

Ute Skiba

Ute Skiba works for the UK Centre for Ecology&Hydrology with a focus on greenhouse gas flux measurements, particularly regarding N2O, NO and CH4 fluxes in natural/agricultural ecosystems and temperate/tropical/arctic climate zones. She studies environmental drivers (climate, soil properties, agricultural management, atmospheric N deposition) and microbial processes leading to emissions of these pollutants to the atmosphere & determine spatial and temporal variability of soil trace gas fluxes and upscaling from plot to region.

ResearchGate Profile

At the XXII N Workshop, she will give a keynote on Nitrogen options in Europe and Southern Asia.

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Feel free to contact us for more information or make any suggestion, and we will get in touch as soon as possible. 


Friederike Malisch-Johnigk (Conference Bureau)
