We have the pleasure to announce that the World Palm Symposium 2020 will be held in Brazil, one of the world’s most (37 genera, 288 species, 123 endemic species) palm-rich countries in the world.
The 7th edition of the symposium will be in Rio de Janeiro and for the second time in a tropical country, after Montenegro, Colombia (2015), Montpellier, France (2010), London, UK (2005), and the US cities of New York (1997), Miami (1995) and Ithaca (1987).
Rio de Janeiro is located within the Atlantic Forest range, a biome holding several (68 species) palm species, many of which are endemic. It will be a fantastic opportunity to attend a conference with palm experts from all over the world, while at the same time visiting one of the most beautiful metropolis in the world, surrounded by rich palm communities and unique biodiverse forests.
The Symposium is hosted and organized in Brazil by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and University of Campinas (UNICAMP) with the support of Aarhus University (Denmark),