09:30 - 09:45: Welcome – Mette Vedsgaard and Martijn van Beek
09:45 -10:30: “Introduction to the VIA-project: “Relational competence, development of empathy and presence in schools.” – Else Skibsted & Mette Vedsgaard Christensen
What exactly are relational competences in pedagogy and which concrete skills does the relational competent teacher possess? Can relational competences be taught at all? Even though research states the importance of teachers’ ability to establish and maintain quality teacher-pupil relations, only few research attempts have been done to operationalize this important teacher competence in teaching practice. The project's ambition is therefore to contribute to an operationalization and a more specific understanding of the components of the teacher's relational competences, in order to impact the pedagogical and didactic practice in schools and teacher education.
Since June 2012, Program for Teacher Education in Aarhus, VIA University College has hosted the four-year long Relational Competence Project: a development and research cooperation between researchers, local schools, the Teacher Education Program and the NGO Børns Livskundskab (The Danish Society for the Promotion of Life Wisdom in Children) . The goal of the project is to investigate how teachers' specific relational competences can be developed in the context of teacher education and gain actual significance for pupils' welfare and learning at school. This presentation reports on the aim, interventions and results from the ongoing research and development project.
10:30 – 11.00 Break
11.00 - 12.00: “The principles and philosophy behind the work of the Danish Society for the Promotion of Life Wisdom in Children work”– Helle Jensen and Steen Hildebrandt
How is a quality learning environment established? How can the development of both the individual pupil and the class as a learning community be secured? In these processes, relational competences, mindfulness and empathy play a core role. Pedagogy and psychology have taught us about the importance of relations for pupils’ learning and development, and centuries of contemplative practices have taught us about the importance of staying connected to so-called natural competences: heart, mind, body, breath and creativity. We present our take on these perspectives.
12:00 -13.00: Lunch (at one’s own expense)
13.00 – 15.00: Workshops: experiences from classrooms and results from research. See separate workshop programme and abstracts.
Session 1:
Workshop 1a: Relationskompetencer i et specialpædagogisk perspektiv - Lotte Gottlieb og Merete Munkholm (Læreruddannelsen i Aarhus, VIA UC) NB: this workshop will be in Danish!
I workshoppen deler Lotte og Merete deres erfaringer med at inddrage nærværsøvelser i arbejdet med udviklingen af de lærerstuderendes kommunikation og relationskompetencer i modulet Specialpædagogik. Ud over en præsentation af konkrete eksempler på øvelserne, diskuteres hvilke muligheder de kan give læreren og den lærerstuderende i relationsarbejdet med elever i vanskeligheder.
Workshop 1b: Empathy and literature pedagogy – Søren Fanø (Læreruddannelsen I Aarhus, Assoc Prof. VIA UC) & Janne Kjeldtoft (Skæring Skole) NB: this workshop will be in Danish!
Litteratur og litteraturundervisning giver elever mulighede for at leve sig ind i hvordan mennesker, der lever under andre vilkår og med andre livserfaringer og livsværdier, tænker, føler og lever. Litteratur giver med andre ord mulighed for at udvikle evnen til at skifte perspektiv og synsvinkel, at se sig selv i den anden og den anden i sig selv. Denne evne til at skifte perspektiv kan udvikles gennem læsning af litteratur, når læseren lever sig ind i og dermed relaterer sig selv til de fiktive personers liv og levevilkår. Workshoppen giver eksempler på, hvordan man kan arbejde med litteratur og relationskompetence i praksis.
Workshop 1c: Learning to be present and attentive – Katinka Götzsche (Silkeborg Gymnasium and Børns Livskundskab)
Good relationships in the classroom involve two parties: the teacher/adult and the child/children. In order to create a good environment for learning and development, both teacher and student must be willing to develop their ability to be present, attentive, empathic and in good contact with their own inner sense of judgment and calm.
In this workshop we will introduce a model with five elements as a point of departure for working with simple tools and exercises that can strengthen precisely these areas for teachers and students. The workshop will move between presentation of theory and experiences, and audience participation in concrete exercises.
NB: this workshop will be offered in each of the three sessions (i.e. as workshop nr. 3, 7 and 10). There is no limit on the number of participants for this workshop.
Workshop 1d: Insights from Research – Per Fibæk Laursen (Prof., IUP/AU) & Anne Maj Nielsen (Assoc Prof, IUP/AU)
Session 2:
Workshop 2a: Relational competence seen from the perspectives of student teachers, teachersand teacher educators. Gitte Batz Eriksen, lærer, Skæring Skole, Lise Andersen Réol, lektor, Læreruddannelsen i Aarhus og studerende fra læreruddannelsen i Aarhus.
Workshop 2b: Teaching activities that create mindfulness and calm in everyday school life – Lone Lind (teacher, Risskov Skole)
Et trygt og nærværende læringsmiljø har rødder i nære og komplekse relationer i klasserummet. I Lones arbejde med at skabe disse gode relationer i indskolingen anvender hun konkrete øvelser, der styrker børns ro og nærvær. I workshoppen deler Lone sine mange erfaringer, ligesom hun vil guide deltagerne igennem nogle af de øvelser, hun laver med sin klasse. Der vil også være mulighed for at stille spørgsmål.
Workshop 2c: Learning to be present and attentive – Katinka Götzsche (Silkeborg Gymnasium and Børns Livskundskab)
Good relationships in the classroom involve two parties: the teacher/adult and the child/children. In order to create a good environment for learning and development, both teacher and student must be willing to develop their ability to be present, attentive, empathic and in good contact with their own inner sense of judgment and calm.
In this workshop we will introduce a model with five elements as a point of departure for working with simple tools and exercises that can strengthen precisely these areas for teachers and students. The workshop will move between presentation of theory and experiences, and audience participation in concrete exercises.
NB: this workshop will be offered in each of the three sessions (i.e. as workshop nr. 3, 7 and 10). There is no limit on the number of participants for this workshop.
Sesson 3:
Workshop 3a: Powerful and mindful activities (Helle Vilain (Lektor; Læreruddannelsen I Aarhus - LIA) ; Line Haislund Dupont (stud. LIA); Rikke Jensen (Stud. LIA); Marie Kamp Jensen (stud. LIA) Randi Elgaard Kristensen (Stud. LIA)) NB This workshop will be in Danish
I vores uddannelsessystem er den dygtige elev og studerende kendetegnet ved at have gode reflektoriske og analytiske kompetencer. Måske derfor kan det for nogle unge opleves som irrationelt, grænseover-skridende og intimiderende at skulle arbejde med mindfulde nærværs - og opmærksomhedsøvelser, hvor det blandt andet er opmærksomheden på egne følelser, krop, tanker og empati for andre der trænes – og ikke et akademisk indhold.
I denne workshop vil vi arbejde ud fra denne modstand og den underliggende dikotomi mellem krop og intellekt og vi vil forholde os nysgerrigt til den; idet vi på den ene side vil vælge legende og fysiske øvelser, hvor alle kan være med - og på den anden side vil udfordre modstanden: Hvorfor og hvornår kan en øvelse blive grænseoverskridende – og hvordan arbejder vi konkret med den didaktisk? Samt er det etisk ansvarligt i en skole med fokus på måstyret og synlig læring at arbejde med mindfulde øvelser …. eller etisk redeligt at lade være?
Workshop 3b: Lesson start: The first few minuteshow to begin a lesson in an inclusive way – Birgit Mogensen (Asst Prof, Teacher Educations Program Aarhus, VIA)
The first few minutes of a lesson can maybe determine how the rest of the lesson will turn out. Within this workshop we will provide: an understanding of how it is useful to start a lesson that creates a good environment and stimulates positive interactions between the pupils and with the teacher. Participants will have an opportunity to try out some “starters” for use in their own classrooms. E.G. how to begin a lesson in an inclusive way.
Workshop 3c: Learning to be present and attentive – Katinka Götzsche (Silkeborg Gymnasium and Børns Livskundskab)
Good relationships in the classroom involve two parties: the teacher/adult and the child/children. In order to create a good environment for learning and development, both teacher and student must be willing to develop their ability to be present, attentive, empathic and in good contact with their own inner sense of judgment and calm.
In this workshop we will introduce a model with five elements as a point of departure for working with simple tools and exercises that can strengthen precisely these areas for teachers and students. The workshop will move between presentation of theory and experiences, and audience participation in concrete exercises.
NB: this workshop will be offered in each of the three sessions (i.e. as workshop nr. 3, 7 and 10). There is no limit on the number of participants for this workshop.
Workshop 3d: Investigating Relational Competences in practice: How can they be studied and how can they be understood – Mette Vedsgaard Christensen, et al. (VIA)
15.00 - 15.30 Coffee break
15.30 pm – 16.30 pm Plenary discussion and wrap-up.
9.00 – 09:15: Welcome: RETHINK Our Common Future – Martijn van Beek
9.15 – 10.30: “Transforming the Heart of Education: Training Empathy” – Helle Jensen and Steen Hildebrandt
10:30 – 11.00: Coffee/tea break
11:00 – 12.00: “Mindfulness in Schools” – Kevin Hawkins
12:00 – 13.00: Lunch break (A sandwich and water will be provided)
13:00 – 14:00: Luc Stevens (title TBA)
14.00 – 15.00: “State of the Research” – Katherine Weare
15:00 – 15.30: Coffee/tea break
15.30 – 17.00: Plenary exchange
09.30 – 10:30: Brooke Dodson-Lavelle – “A Call for Care and Compassion in Our School Communities”
Call to Care aims to address the limited attention in our educational systems for cultivating care and compassion. The Call to Care framework is informed by research on socio-emotional learning (SEL), contemplative teaching and learning (CTL), and developmental psychology. It is organized around three integrated modes of care – receiving care, developing self-care, and extending care – that rely on compassion-based contemplative practices for helping educators and students recognize and nurture their innate capacities for care. The program's design reflects a developmentally-sensitive, culturally aware, systems-based approach that aims both to empower educators and students and to support and strengthen community. Call to Care is currently being developed and implemented in in partnership with a collaborative network of educators, researchers, and community leaders in schools in the US and around the world.
10.30 – 11.00: Coffee/tea break
11:00 – 12.30: Triple Focus” – Peter Senge
12.30 – 14.00: Lunch break (A sandwich and water will be provided)
14.00 – 15.00: Plenary discussion
15.00 – 15:30: Closing