Aarhus University Seal

Systems Neuoscience and Decison Making

7-8 August 2019
Aarhus University

Systems Neuroscience and Decision Making (SYNDI) is a small conference organized by Duda Kvitsiani (Aarhus University, Denmark) and Balazs Hangya (Institute of Experimental Medicine, Budapest, Hungary) around the general topic of neural mechanisms of decision making, learning and other cognitive processes. One of the aims of the meeting is to bring together labs working on different levels: from molecules to cells and  circuits as well as using variety of model organisms and approaches to answer fundamental questions in behavioral neuroscience.  The meeting should strengthen connections, increase interaction and facilitate collaborations among neuroscience labs internationally as well as to give students an opportunity to present their work and get feedback from a variety of perspectives.

The meeting is held on 3rd consecutive year and in the past it has facilitated  conversations among diverse groups across several disciplines.

In 2019 SYNDI  will be held in Aarhus, Denmark from 7-8th of August.

The conference is sponsored by Lundbeckfonden and is free of charge.