Aarhus University Seal

Practical information

Wireless network

Aarhus University has  wireless networks which are accessible at the entire university.  


Eduroam is the primary wireless network for students and employees. Once you have eduroam set up on your computer or mobile phone, it automatically connects to the wireless network when your device is in range. At AU, you can use eduroam to connect to internal file and print servers, and you can also use the online resources the university subscribes to, such as ordbogen.com.

Eduroam is a global collaboration which also gives AU students and employees free access to the wireless network at other teaching and research institutions all over the world. Eduroam is a global collaboration which also gives AU students and employees free access to the wireless network at other teaching and research institutions all over the world.

How to set up eduroam

Note: It is important to run the installation program, because this provides more secure protection of your username and password due to the installation of a certificate.

AU-Guest – wireless network for guests

Guests at AU who need wireless network access can use the AU-Guest network.

1. Turn WIFI on (on your mobile, tablet or PC) under Settings.
2. Select the AU-Guest network.
3. Open a web browser, for example Safari, Internet Explorer or Google Chrome.

A login website will automatically appear as illustrated below. 
If the login website does not appear, please write www.au.dk in the browser.

4. Log on to the internet by using one of the accounts below:

  •  Facebook
  •  Google Drive
  •  LinkedIn
  •  SMS (only Danish telephone numbers)
  •  Microsoft account (for example outlook.dk, hotmail.com)

If you click the AU logo, a new website will appear. From this website, you can download the installation software for eduroam.

AU-Guest access is for the internet only. AU-Guest does not provide access to internal services such as file and print servers.

Emergency phone numbers

(+45 only when calling from outside Denmark)

Police, fire, ambulance (+45) 112
Falck rescue services (+45) 70 10 20 30
Police (+45) 87 31 14 48

Emergency room at Aarhus Hospital, Skejby (+45) 70 11 31 31. Always remember to call in beforehand, Address: Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 161, Entrance 33, 8200 Aarhus N

Doctor, outside normal working hours (16-08) - Lægevagten (+45) 70 11 31 31. Always remember to call in beforehand, Address: Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 161, Entrance 33, 8200 Aarhus N

Dentist, outside normal working hours: Valdemarsgade 1 D, stuen th., 8000 Aarhus C (+45) 40 51 51 62. Opening hours are Friday 18-21 and Saturday/Sunday 10-13.

Chemists, outside normal hours: Aarhus Løve Apotek, Store Torv 5, 8000 Aarhus C (+45) 86 12 00 22. Opening hours 06-24.


Electricity in Denmark is 230V AC. Plugs are European standard with two round pins