Aarhus University Seal

Rump Session

There will be a rump session on Tuesday May 29 at 5.30 pm, chaired by Marcel Keller and Peter Scholl.

Short and entertaining presentations on recent results, breaking news and other topics of interest are encouraged.

To submit a talk, please send an email with the subject Rump session TPMPC 2018 to peter.scholl@cs.au.dk and mks.keller@gmail.com with the following details, by 2 pm on Monday 28 May:

  • Speaker name
  • Talk title
  • Slides (pdf, max 10 slides) - can be updated until 2pm on Tuesday 29th
  • Requested talk length (max. 5 min)
  • This talk is: funny/mostly funny/mostly serious/very boring but willing to bribe (please select one)


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