We encourage you to send abstracts for the Wilson Aarhus 2022 symposium.
A number of abstracts will be selected for presentation (poster or oral) and a bursary covering conference fee and accommodation.
Deadline for abstract submission: 25 March.
Rules for submission of abstracts
Abstracts must be emailed to mf@clin.au.dk
Please read the submission rules before submitting an abstract.
- The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
- Submitted abstracts should include non-published data.
- All abstracts should be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication. If you need help, please arrange for the review of your abstract by a colleague who is a native English speaker, by a university specific publications office (or other similar facility) or by a copy editor, prior to submission.
- You may submit more than 1 abstract.
- Please note the submitting author will receive all correspondence about the abstract so we advise that the submitting author details that are entered are the same details as those of the presenting author.
- Abstracts may not be edited/updated after final submission. You are welcome to bring an updated abstract onsite with you.
Conflict of interest
Please declare any conflict of interests in your presentation at the meeting.
Abstract selection and presentation
The scientific committee will review all submitted abstracts. Notification regarding abstract acceptance and scheduling will be sent to the submitting author.