The Young Atom Optician conference is aimed at young researchers – mostly PhD students – in the fields of quantum optics, quantum simulation, quantum information and metrology, trapped atoms, molecules and ions, circuit and cavity QED and photonics. We welcome both experimental and theoretical contributions. All participants are expected to present their current work in a talk or poster.
Please prepare an abstract about your contribution using this LaTeX template (please add your name to the file name). The abstract should be uploaded as a PDF (maximum 1 page) as well as the .tex file and (potential) figures. Upload documents and pre-registration should be done here.
If you are applying for a talk, you must additionally upload a video with a maximum duration of 4 minutes, where you briefly pitch the research you are going to present and why it is interesting.
Furthermore, if you are an experimentalist you can apply for the possibility of giving a virtual lab tour of your laboratory. Such a tour can include showing photos of your lab and university, showing brief videos or what else you deem most interesting. Important! This will not affect your chances of getting a talk
Once you have received the confirmation email that your contribution has been accepted, you can proceed to the final inscription. The link will be sent to you by email.
Submissions of abstracts and pre-registration: until 09/04/2021 (closes midnight Copenhagen time)
Notification of acceptance: latest 03/05/2021
Inscription: latest 20/05/2021