The contributed workshops will consist of presentations and panel discussions.
This workshop offers an opportunity to compare what is happening in the Baltic Sea and the Chesapeake Bay with a focus on four areas: nutrients, climate impacts, fishing and living resources, and governance. Offered as a hybrid session with some participants in person at the Baltic Sea Science Congress and others participating remotely, our goal for the workshop is to provide a chance to share information, have a discussion, and identify potential next steps for future cooperation between these two critical ecosystems that share a lot in common.
Tentative agenda
Session: 2 hours
15 minutes for each topic
16:30 Introduction of overall session
16:40 Status of nutrient dynamics (what’s happening, success, challenges?):
16:55 Impacts of climate change
17:10 Living resources/fisheries
17:25 Governance
17:40 Facilitated discussion
18:20 Summary/next steps?
18:30 Finish
The workshop will provide a platform for discussions about technological innovation or new applications in marine research. It will provide information about new marine projects focusing on innovative technologies applicable in Baltic Sea research. Additionally commercial suppliers will get the chance to present their latest technological highlights or discuss solutions for sampling or analytical problems of scientists. The workshop is meant to bridge the gap between scientists and engineers or suppliers which often is just a result of missing communication.
16.30 Welcome and short introduction - Regine Labrenz, IOW
Impulse talks
16:35 "Technological approaches and future demands in ocean and costal research" - Robert Wagner, IOW
16.50 "Digital cooperation by Digital Twin- Data, Standards and Services in the Ocean Technology Campus Rostock" - Simon Jost, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research, Rostock und Kiel
17.10 "Activities and achievements of the Argo Program in the Baltic Sea" - Laura Tuomi, FMI Helsinki
Business talks
17.30 "The modular platform for scientific applications“ - Nico Guenzel, Framework Robotics, Rostock, Germany
17.40 "Active antifouling devices for a coastal observation network: proven during a field test" - Stefan Raimund, nke Marine Electronics, Hennebont, France
17.50 “Yuco, the first AUV used with confidence” - Wibke Dünkel, Nautilus Marine Service GmbH, Buxtehude
The UN decade of Ocean Science for sustainable development commences in 2021 and many researchers in the Baltic region will contribute with their knowledge to the successful outcome of this initiative. This workshop will give an overview of implementation activities in different countries around the Baltic Sea related to the UN decade and a discussion of how the Baltic Sea scientific community can provide useful inputs. The aim is to inform about the UN decade.
| Time | Topic | Speaker |
| Introduction to the UN Decade | ||
1 | 16.30-16.45
| The UN Decade for Ocean Science for Sustainable Development - a once in a lifetime opportunity | Anna JÖBORN, Decade EPG |
| Establishment of national Decade committees and the engagement of civil society - examples for inspiration | ||
2 | 16.45-17.00
| The case of Germany - establishment of a national Decade committee | Prof. Dr. Gregor REHDER Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Germany |
3 | 17.00-17.15
| The case of Norway - establishment of a national Decade committee | Dr. Kjersti Turid FJALESTAD, Special Adviser, The Research Council of Norway |
4 | 17.15-17.25
| The sea is a common concern – how to engage as a citizen in the sea and in the public debate; the UN Decade as an opportunity. | Kaspar BANG, member of the citizen panel on the sea and project participant in the Consensus Conference ‘ Our Sea’, by the Danish Board of Technology |
| Establishment of a multi-stakeholder Taskforce to co-design a Decade Action Plan for the Baltic Sea | ||
5 | 17.25-17.40
| HELCOM Decade engagement | Dr. Jannica HALDIN, Deputy Executive Secretary at HELCOM - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission |
| ||
6 | 17.40-17.55
| ICES Decade engagement | Dr. Wojciech WAWRZYNSKI Head of Science Support Department, ICES |
7 | 17.55-18.10
| European Network of Maritime Clusters | Sverre LENBROCH, CEO MARLOG on behalf of ENMC |
| Discussions and synthesis | ||
8 | 18.10-18.30
| Questions and discussion - the way forward for a Baltic Decade plan? | Peter Grønkjær and Jacob Carstensen, BSSC Organizing Committee |
The HELCOM Ministerial Meeting in Lübeck on October 20 is scheduled to approve the updated Baltic Sea Action Plan and the accompanying HELCOM Science Agenda. The Science Agenda elaborates on essential needs of scientific information for implementation of BSAP and other HELCOM agreements in the coming decade. The aim is to communicate HELCOM science needs to funding agencies, to inform and inspire scientists to direct their interest towards meeting the knowledge needs in HELCOM, and to increase the interaction between science and policy. However, the Science Agenda is only a first step forward to enhance the interaction between HELCOM and the research community. The vision of this workshop is to initiate a discussion that highlights ways forward of improving the interaction.
Workshop program (chair and moderator: Kai Myrberg)
Deputy Executive Secretary Jannica Haldin shortly present a concise overview of the BSAP, to provide background to the needs for science input
Science Agenda coordinator Ulla Li Zweifel will provide an overview of its content
Science agenda task group member Bo Gustafsson will provide some concreate example of the linkage between BSAP actions and Science Agenda topics
Deputy Executive Secretary Jannica Haldin and EN Clime chair Prof. Markus Meier will have a conversation on their experiences and challenges in collaborating in the development of the HELCOM Climate Change Fact Sheet
Throughout the workshop there will be ample room for questions, sharing of experiences and discussion on how to improve interaction between science and policy.
Bo Gustafsson, Baltic Nest Institute, Stockholm University
Jannica Haldin, HELCOM Secretariat
Kai Myrberg, Finnish Environment Institute
Ulla Li Zweifel, Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment
The HELCOM Ministerial Meeting on October 20th in Lübeck is expected to finally approve an update of the Baltic Sea Action Plan, which aims to restore the ecological status of the Baltic Sea.
For this purpose Net Nutrient Input Ceilings will be defined for the various basins and littoral countries along with a separate Regional Nutrient Cycling Strategy for the Baltic Sea.
While over the past two decades nutrient inputs have been reduced, more effort is required if the Baltic Sea is to be successfully restored, in particular with regard to agriculture.
The purpose of this panel is to facilitate an exchange between policy makers and scientists on the way forward, to improve implementation of the initiatives and measures adopted under the Helsinki Convention
List of speakers
Jannica Haldin, Deputy Executive Secretary, HELCOM
“Main targets in relation to nutrients in the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan as revised at the 2021 Ministerial Meeting of the Helsinki Commission”
Monika Król, professor of environmental law, University of Lodz
“Agro-environmental measures implemented and envisioned in Poland with a view to the Nitrates Directive and the Baltic Sea Action Plan”
Karin Tonderski, senior lecturer in water management, Linköping University, BONUS MIRACLE coordinator
“Selecting nutrient abatement measures with appropriate co-benefits”
Chair: Martin Hvarregaard Thorsøe, ass. prof., Aarhus University
Moderator: Mikael Skou Andersen, professor of policy analysis, Aarhus University, BONUS TOOLS2SEA coordinator
Martin Hvarregård Thorsøe, Aarhus University, Dept. of Agroecology and Mikael Skou Andersen, Aarhus University, Dept. of Environmental Science