Aarhus University Seal

Venue, time, and practical information


The conference will take place at Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS). AIAS provides a physical home and programmatic framework for excellent researchers who come to the Institute from outside Denmark for shorter or longer periods, as well as for fellows competitively selected among Aarhus University’s researchers. 


The Ecological Dynamics in a Novel Biosphere Conference will take place from September 17-18-19, 2024

Registration starts on Tuesday morning, September 17, at 8:00 AM. 

Upon arrival

Registration will take place in the lobby from 8:00 am. Tuesday, September 17. 

Early arriving participants are welcome to stay in the lobby or enjoy the university park. 

Program starts at 8:30 am. every day!

Find way to the venue

ECONOVO conference is held at Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS):