We hope to create a symposium in which we can all speak from a shared experience of what it implies to produce original research/work, so we invite abstracts from scholars and from post-/graduates who should at least have completed their Master’s Level and/or be engaged in doctoral research.
This is an immersive and multidisciplinary symposium, so you must also be willing to commit to full participation in the three-day symposium and to contribute with constructive comments and questions to encourage, improve, and promote further development of insights for presenters and other participants.
Please, note that the language of the symposium will be in English.
To submit, please, write a 250-word abstract and send it to Marianne Schleicher at ms@cas.au.dk no later than the 1st of August 2017. The symposium can accommodate 55 presenters who will be selected through a process of blind peer review of abstracts. Information on acceptance of abstracts will be sent by the 15th of August 2017. After the conference, the steering committee will select papers for rewriting and development for inclusion in a volume proposal to the At the Interface/Probing the Boundaries-series published by the academic publishing house Brill (Leiden).