Aarhus University Seal

Abstract Submission

Submission guidelines:

Keep your abstract length at one page. The abstract should be in English. You may include one figure or picture in your abstract, as long as it fits in the single page limit. We accept submissions as Latex, MS Word or PDF files (.tex,.docx, .pdf). You may also add the optional figure as an independent appropriate sized file (.png, .pdf) when you upload your submission. A LaTeX file is the preferred method of submission.

The contributed papers will be presented as posters at the poster sessions scheduled for Monday July 1 and Tuesday July 2. However, from the contributed papers we will select 20 and offer the author to also present the paper as a 20 minute Hot Topic (16 minute talk + 4 minute for questions). The selection will be based on excellence and novelty of the results. If you would like your contributed paper considered for a Hot Topic presentation, please tick-off that option in the abstract submission process.

Download templates:

Submission is no longer possible. Please contact us directly (molec2024@chem.au.dk) if you have any questions