Aarhus University Seal

Engineering education Symposium


The NORDTEK engineering education group welcomes you at the Engineering Education Symposium held at Aarhus University, Denmark on Wednesday, August 16th 2023

The sessions in the morning are working group sessions for members of the three working groups. The sessions in the afternoon is open to all and free of charge.

Programme for the engineering education seminar

Time Activity Location
9.00 – 12.00 Working group meetings (by invitation only):
  • Teaching fundamentals in engineering studies:
    This working group aims to find good ways to teach “the fundamentals” (Math, Physics,..) in an engineering program. We do this by looking at other examples, finding commonalities between them (thereby making a general way to describe these approaches), using the description at home and revising our “description “language”. Leader: Jens Bennedsen (jbb@ece.au.dk)
  • Integrating global sustainability goals in higher education:
    This NORDTEK working group aims to share and discuss the good practices in the integration of SDGs in engineering education. The findings would help us to develop a joint understanding of the relevance of SDGs in the education of future engineers, and to facilitate and accelerate the integration of SDGs in the curricula of engineering degree programmes in Nordic and Baltic universities. Leader: Esa Räsänen (esa.rasanen@tuni.fi)
  • Development of engineering education:
    How do we transform engineering education to provide students with training that empowers them to act in a sustainable and changing world? In this group, we will discuss how we scientifically ground the development of our engineering education. How are you developing your education at your university? Leader: Lena Gumaelius (lena.gumaelius@mdu.se)
If you would like to join one of the working groups, please write to the leader and ask if it is possible.
Mogens Zieler stuen
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch (for the working groups' members only) Stakladen
13.00 – 13.45 Teaching fundamentals in engineering studies: General discussion and sharing of good practices. Open to all - but you need to register! Mogens Zieler stuen
13.45 – 14.30 Integrating global sustainability goals in higher education: General discussion and sharing of good practices. Open to all - but you need to register! Mogens Zieler stuen
14.30 – 15.00 Coffee. Open to all - but you need to register! Mogens Zieler stuen
15.15 – 16.00 Development of engineering education: General discussion and sharing of good practices. Open to all - but you need to register! Mogens Zieler stuen
16.00 – 17.00 Students' perspectives on how to teach fundamentals in engineering and how to integrate global sustainability goals in engineering education.. Open to all - but you need to register! Mogens Zieler stuen
18.30 - ??? Dinner Restaurant Nögen


The symposium will take place at the Conference Centre, Aarhus University. The address is Fredrik Nielsens Vej 2-4, 8000 Aarhus C. It is in the "Mogens Zieler stuen"
