Aarhus University Seal

Proposals for workshops

Would you like to share your expertise on biogeographical methodology? Have you developed a new analytical protocol you would like to bring to the attention of colleagues? Would you like to activate discussion or collaboration on a biogeographical topic? If so, propose a workshop for the day preceding the main conference! Workshops in the past have focused on analytical methods, software, databases, and informatics, but other topics are welcome. Workshops may range from 4 to 8 hours in length and are required to be self-supporting via the registration fees they generate.

Proposals for symposia

TIBS is eager to receive proposals for symposia on biogeographical topics of broad interest. Selected symposia will be given space in the plenary hall with no parallel sessions running simultaneously. There will be a total of six symposia.

Symposium proposals should consist of:

1. Title

2. A half-page description of the thematic focus and a brief rationale why this theme is timely and important.

3.Potential speaker names and affiliations. Contacting potential speakers is not necessary at this stage. Due to our society’s strained finances, we can only provide partial financial support for travel, to be decided by the TIBS board on a case-by-case basis.

How to submit a proposal

Please send proposals for symposia and workshops by email to TIBS President Susanne Renner, with copy to the Vice President for Conferences Mark Costello by 30 April 2025.