Aarhus University Seal


Programme descriptions

Invited speaker

45 min presentation from one of the invited speakers followed by 15 mins of questions.

Contributing speaker

20 min presentation from one of the YAO participants followed by 5 mins of questions.

Speed dating

Here you will get to meet the other participants in informal one-on-one discussions.

Show & Tell

Discuss your research with a fixed group of participants, that you will meet up with for each Show & Tell session. Each participant’s research is discussed in turns for 15-20 mins each. Everyone should prepare a ~5 min presentation, which is followed by a discussion.

We encourage: A single slide, technique or object, similar level as your pitch videos, more social than poster, maybe discuss a specific part of your research.

Poster session

Poster presentations through screen-sharing with a fixed duration of 20 mins for presentation and questions. In each session, the presenters are divided into a certain number of virtual rooms with two rounds of presentations in each room.

Discussion groups

Here you will get the chance to discuss more broad questions about your field of research, academia and career choices.

Panel discussion

Panel discussion featuring the five invited speakers focusing on the broad questions.


Optional parts of the programme:

Virtual lab tours

The participants show their labs. The format is up to the “lab guide”, but we suggest 10 minutes of pictures/videos followed by 10 mins of questions.

Social event

This event will be hosted on Gather Town (link will be sent around), on the 27th of May, from 19:00 to 21:00   


Please be aware that the programme are schedule according to Danish time.