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Most of the conference presentations have now been made available for download in pdf format. Please note that all of the material is the intellectual property of the authors, and that it may not be altered nor widely used or distributed without prior consent of the authors.

October 5th

Auditorium 1 Auditorium 2 Auditorium 3 Auditorium 4
Opening session
Lea Kauppi, Chairman of PEER, Director of Finnish Environment Institute
Philippe Crouzet, Head of Group, European Environment Agency
Plenary session
Roger Owen (Invited speaker): Experience from implementing the Water Framework Directive
Stefano Galmarini (Invited speaker): Air quality in Europe - what are the challenges for science and management
Doug Evans (Invited speaker): Science based nature conservation in Europe: Lessons from the Habitats Directive
Bill Sutherland (Invited speaker): Biodiversity in an uncertain future - the role of predictive conservation ecology
Andrew Sharpley (Invited speaker): Phosphorus management in agricultural systems
Contributed session: Topic 1 Directives
Special session: Links between biodiversity and soil ecostystem services Special session: Green energy policies Special session: Aquarius
Lars Rudfeld (Danish Ministry of the Environment): Management Planning System for Natura 2000 sites Anne Winding: Ecological Function and Biodiversity Indicators in European Soils Daniela Perrotti: The main scientific challenge for the session, and the European legislation context + The Italian national and regional context fileadmin/1perrotti.pdf Irene Wiborg: AQUARIUS - bridging the gaps between science, regulation and practice in water environment management
Lise-Samsoe Petersen (Danish Ministry of the Environment): Challenges in developing pesticide indicators and setting targets Paul Henning Krogh: Ecological properties of earthworm burrows in an organically managed grass-clover system Stanislas Herion: The French national and regional context : Region Centre – Vallée de la Beauce Trine Balskilde Stoltenborg: AQUARIUS
THE PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE A legal analysis of the gaps to bridge in AQUARIUS in order to create win-win solutions in practice

Henrik Josefsson: The Water Framework Directive – A Directive for the Twenty-first Century? Stefan Geisen: Identification, functional roles and ecosystem services of protozoa in soil Daniela Perrotti: The Spanish example - introduction Anna Hansson: Landowners as professional providers of ecosystem services. Motives and barriers for wetland creation
Sandra Poikane: Are we measuring what we need to measure? The ecological assessment for management of European marine and fresh waters Anne Winding: Impact of functional microbial diversity on soil ecosystem services and assessment thereof Marina Frolova & Daniel Herrero: The Spanish example: Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía - Alpujarra et Valle de Lecrín:Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León - Comarca de "La Mudarra" Anne Mette S. Langvad: A process analysis of the gaps to bridge in order to create win-win solutions in practice
The Lundgaard’s Creek stakeholder group
Dietrich Borchardt: Ten years of WFD implementation in Europe: a critical review based on the experience made in Germany

October 6th

Auditorium 2

Auditorium 3

Auditorium 4

Contributed session: Topic 2: Biodiversity

Special session: Climate models: Uncertainties, effects and adaptation

Contributed session: Topic 4 Management tools

Atte Moilanen (Invited speaker): Disentangling the complexity of biodiversity using ecoinformatics

Jens Christian Refsgaard: Climate change adaptation strategies: Water management options under high uncertainty - A Danish example

Franscisca Neumann: Harmonized modelling of nutrient emissions into and loads in European river systems

Carsten Nesshöver (Invited speaker):Improving the science-policy on biodiversity and ecosystem services: a major challenge for environmental science and policy

Jay S. Gregg, Development of Decision Support Matrices for Climate Change Adaptation Planning

Line Block Hansen: Environmental and economic effects of regulating phosphorus use and losses from the agricultural sector – an empiric study

Henrik Enghoff: The blurred baseline: Denmark’s unknown biodiversity

Jørgen E. Olesen: Uncertainties in assessing climate change impacts and adaptation in agriculture

Laura O. Petrov: Scientists and Stakeholders working together on land use modelling at the regional scale: an input to urban sustainable indicators for Europe

Gerd Lupp: Land Use Management, Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity - Developing Regulatory Measures for Sustainable Energy Crop Production (LÖBESTEIN)


Andrew J. Wright: The science-policy disconnect: language issues at the science-policy boundary

Toke Thomas Høye: Evaluating and communicating simulated wildlife responses to land-use scenarios






Special session: Science-based nature management

Contributed session: Topic 3: Low impact - low carbon

Contributed session: Topic 4:Management tools II

Peter Borgen Sørensen: Concept for science based management

Torben Sigsgaard (Invited speaker): Health effects from air pollution - research status and scientific challenges

Anthony Fox: Biodiversity over the horizon: modelling the distribution and abundance of marine waterbirds in the Inner Danish Waters

Morten Tune Strandberg: Management of Danish inland wet heathland

Jørgen Brandt: Assessment of Health-Cost Externalities of Air Pollution in Denmark and Europe using the EVA Model System

Stefan Heinänen:Uselful tools for assessing conservation targets and impacts on marine habitats - examples of waterbird populations and marine infrastructures

Knud Erik Nielsen: Is current management of semi-natural ecosystems short-sighted and limited, rather than science based and having a long sight?

Elena Boriani: Evaluation of soil ecosystem health and services according to sustainability thresholds for industry impacts

Irene Bouwma: Management instruments for Natura 2000 areas: Use or modify the old or develop something new?

Christian Damgaard: State-space modeling indicates rapid invasion of an alien shrub in coastal dunes


Thomas Thaler: Use of environmental benefits in policy decision process



Massimo Pizzol: The role of time scale in assessing external costs of metal emissions




Special session:The economics of water quality

Special session: Constructed wetlands

Contributed session: Topic 1: Directives II

Marianne Zandersen: Bio-engineering in the Baltic Sea – value of water quality improvements & risk perceptions

Carl Christian Hoffmann: Comparing two surface flow wetlands for removal of nutrients in agricultural drainage water

Ellen M. Basse: A New Regulatory Design used by the EU - with the promotion of renewable energy as an example

Berit Hasler: Integrated modelling to support cost-effective management of nutrient reductions to the Baltic Sea

Börje Ekstam: Many plants are wanted, but are they colonizing constructed wetlands?

Marlon Boeve: Sustainable urban development: the integrated approach

Jim Smart: A translog approach for estimating the costs of improving waste water treatment in catchments draining into the Baltic Sea

Charlotte Kjaergaard: Drainage filters and constructed wetlands to mitigate site-specific nutrient losses

Mireille Bogaart: Flexibility in the European legal framework on air quality



Ursula S. McKnight: Integrated assessment of the impact of aqueous contaminant stressors on surface water ecosystems



Jonida Abazaj: Environmental Politics and the Need for Reconciliation: The case of the Water Framework Directive and the Renewable Energy Directive