Aarhus University Seal

Theme 5: Stewardship

Stewardship for the Baltic Sea

The Baltic Sea is exposed to multiple pressures, of which some can be managed on a regional level whereas others require global actions. The Baltic Sea has a unique history of managing different pressures through international agreements on emissions, maritime activities and fisheries. Effective management of human activities in the Baltic, today and in the future, is needed to ensure a sustainable use of ecosystem services.

This interdisciplinary theme focuses on measures for managing human activities and the effects they have on the ecosystem. The theme also addresses mitigation measures for pressures that can only be partially managed. Studies addressing the cost-efficiency of different management options and studies considering management from an integrative holistic socio-ecological view are particularly welcome. The sessions under this theme will address timely questions such as:

  • What are the cost-effective measures and the best policy instruments for controlling inputs of nutrients and other pollutants?
  • How do we determine the operational targets for management?
  • Is it possible to valuate ecosystem services and how?
  • How can we manage conflicting interests through marine spatial planning?
  • How can the blue economy be developed in a sustainable way?
  • How can the inherent uncertainty unpinning scientific advices be incorporated in management?
  • How can communication and engagement between stakeholders and scientists be improved?
  • How do we improve ocean and watershed literacy in a Baltic context?
  • How can scientist engage with the public to define research questions and approaches?
  • What can the Baltic region learn from other regions?