Aarhus University Seal


Wednesday 18 April 2018

10.30-11.00 Registration and coffee
(Kasernen: foyer in 1585)

11.00-13.00 Welcome by Birgit Eriksson and Keynote by Lisanne Gibson (Chair: Mette Houlberg Rung)
(iNANO: 1593-012)

Lisanne Gibson, Keynote:

Museums and Participation - Who Goes.. (and who doesn’t?)

Visitor figures, visitor studies and sociological studies show that the profile of the audience for museums is overwhelmingly predicted by an individual’s level of income and education. Museum visitors are white and middle class. This is so even when you take account of gender, ethnicity, age and wealth. Furthermore, visitors to museums are part of a minority of the population who engage with State funded cultural activities on any regular basis. Recent work on this in the UK has shown that this minority is just 8.7% of the population (Taylor 2016). Given that the aim of leading edge museum practice is to effect social change serious acknowledgement of these limitations and a rethinking of how museums offer service to the majority must inform museum practice now and into the future. This presentation will reflect on some of these stark facts and using excerpts from interviews discuss some of the emerging findings from the ‘Understanding Everyday Participation’ project and the implications for the museum sector and indeed the cultural sector more broadly.

13.00-14.00 Lunch
(Kasernen: foyer in 1585)

14.00-16.00 Sessions 1-3
(Kasernen: 1584 and 1586)

2: Digitized cultural institutions and experiences (Chair: Jan Løhmann Stephensen)

Appropriating participatory media: The digital bookshelf
Anne-Mette Bech Albrechtslund 

Between the virtual and the real
Mathilde Helnæs 

Diving into the archive: The case of Google Cultural Institute
Bjarki Valtysson 

Museum of Random Memory: Engaging Communities in Data Literacy through Critical Pedagogy and Social Activism
Gabriel Pereira & Annette Markham

3: Questioning Participatory Art (Chair: Anne Katrine Korning)
(Kasernen: 1586-114)

Challenges and potentials of participatory art practices and their artists
Rina Visser-Rotgans

Aesthetic Transgression as Public Legitimacy
Ditte Vilstrup Holm

Love is a Battlefield - Participatory Art or Mass-intellectual Competition?
Michael Annoff

16.00-16.30 Coffee
(Kasernen: foyer in 1585)

18.30-21.30 Reception
(Kasernen: foyer in 1585)