Aarhus University Seal


The number of participants is limited to 110 for the EM-25 Conference and 25 for the EM-25 Early Career Scientist Workshop.

Participation is on a first-come, first-served basis.

To participate in the Conference (and the preceding Workshop), it is a prerequisite that you actively contribute to the program by presenting your work as either a poster or an oral presentation.

The process is as follows:

1: Submit an Abstract: Start by submitting an abstract of your work.

2: Wait for Acceptance: Once your abstract is accepted, you will receive a link to registration portal(s).

3: EM-25 conference & Workshop Registration: Follow link you receive, fill in your information, and pay the registration fee(s). If you indicated interest in the ECS Workshop during abstract submission, your acceptance notice will include a separate link to register for the Workshop.


EM-25 Conference Wednesday May 21 to Friday, May 23

DKK 5.000 ( ~ 670€ ) The price covers meals and accommodation (2 nights) at Helnan Marselis Hotel.


EM-25 Early Career Scientist Workshop Monday May 19 to Wednesday May 21

Registration DKK 1.900 ( ~250€ ) The price covers shared bus T/R Aarhus to venue, accommodation, and meals (kitchen duties to be shared among participants).


Travel grants for students and early career researchers

A limited number of travel grants, each covering expenses up to DKK 5,000 (~€670), will be available.

When submitting your abstract, you will, as an early career participant, have the option to apply for a travel grant to help cover documented travel expenses.

Notifications regarding the status of your application will be sent out in mid-Februay.

If you wish to apply for a travel grant, please note that you will be required to provide an estimate of your expected travel expenses on the abstract submission webpage.


All participants for the EM-25 conference and ECS Workshop must contribute to the conference with a poster presentation or an oral presentation.

Thus, if you want to participate, please submit an abstract (see submission instructions below).

Registration is subject to the acceptance of your abstract, which will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Once your abstract is accepted, you will receive a personal email with registration link(s) to sign up for the conference and the ECS Workshop respectively.

Please note: Participation in the ECS Workshop requires both an accepted abstract and attendance at the conference.

How to submit your abstract

There is no fee for submission of abstract.

The abstract submission opens on December 10. Stay tuned for conference updates on X, LinkedIn, and through your electromicrobiology network.

The abstract submission deadline is April 1 at 23pm (Cent. Europ. Sum. Time (CEST), UTC +2). Abstracts will be evaluated on a rolling basis, with the aim of notifying authors of acceptance or rejection within five working days.

To submit your abstract, please follow these steps:

1. Download Abstract Format Instructions

2. Submit your abstract on the Abstract Submission Platform

Information to authors on whether to contribute with a poster or an oral presentation will be sent out to the author soon after the abstract deadline.

The categorization of oral and poster presentations is thoughtfully curated to ensure a program that reflects the full breadth of the conference themes and the diverse perspectives of its participants, including considerations of gender, career stage, and geographic representation. The program is structured to provide ample opportunities for studying and discussing the posters which will be accessible at all times in the break room, fostering engagement and discussions throughout the conference.

All accepted abstracts will be included in an abstract booklet and handed out to all participants by the start of the conference. A PDF version will be e-mailed to all participants before the conference starts.