Aarhus University Seal

Time and place

May 22-25, 2024
Aarhus University, Aulaen
Nordre Ringgade 4, building 1412
8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

Important dates


  • November 28
    • Abstract submission opens


  • January 1
    • Early Registration opens
  • February 10
    • Abstract submission deadline
    • Deadlines for New Investigator and Post-Doctoral awards
  • March 8
    • Final abstract acceptance confirmation date (extended from previous deadline of 1. March)
  • March 31
    • Early registration deadline
  • April 1
    • Late registration begins
  • April 15
    • Childcare registration deadline at HBES
  • May 13
    • Late registration deadline 
    May 22
    • Onsite registration begins
  • May 22-25
    • Conference dates


The 35th annual Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES) conference
Aarhus, Denmark, from May 22-25, 2024

The HBES conference is a unique event that brings together researchers from all over the world to share their latest findings on the evolution of human behavior. This year's conference will feature a diverse range of plenary speakers and a wide range of topics related to human behavior and evolution.

In addition to its scientific program, the HBES conference is also a great place to meet new colleagues and socialize with other researchers. We will be hosting a variety of social events throughout the conference, including a welcome reception, a banquet, and a number of informal gatherings.

We are excited to welcome you to Aarhus, Denmark, a beautiful and vibrant city with a rich history and culture. The city is home to a number of world-class museums, restaurants, and shops, as well as a variety of outdoor activities to enjoy. We are confident that you will have a memorable and rewarding experience at the HBES 2024 conference.

See you in Aarhus!

Download HBES 2024 program

Download HBES 2024 conference booklet with abstracts