Aarhus University Seal

HBES 2024 registration

All prices are listed in Danish Kroners (DKK).


  • Early registration: 31 March 2024 (closed)
  • Late registration: 13 May 2024 (closed)
  • On-site registration: 25 May 2024 (opens 22 May)
    The registration desk is situated in the conference center, by "Stakladen".

Registration fee

The registration prices listed below includes 25% VAT

Early Student Member: 0 DKK (sponsored by HBES)
Regular Student Member: 0 DKK (sponsored by HBES)
Late/On-site Student Member: 0 DKK (sponsored by HBES)

Early Student Non-Member: 1800 DKK
Regular Student Non-Member: 1925 DKK
Late/On-site Student Non-Member: 2050 DKK

Early HBES Member: 1950 DKK
Regular HBES Member: 2375 DKK
Late/On-site HBES Member: 2800 DKK

Early Non-Member: 3178 DKK
Regular Non-Member: 3569 DKK
Late/On-site Non-Member: 3960 DKK

Registration status as a member of HBES and/or as a student will be verified via member records.  Individuals selecting a registration status that does not apply will be billed accordingly.  Attendees at conference events (e.g., BBQ, Banquet) must be a registrant of the conference or a guest of a registrant (tickets purchased in advance of the event).


The BBQ will be held on Friday evening, 24 May 2024, at Aarhus Campus. The BBQ is free of charge this year, as it is sponsored by HBES.


The Banquet will be held on Saturday evening 25 May 2024, in a restaurant in Aarhus city. More information will follow asap. The Banquet is a ticketed event, only ticketed guests will be permitted entry. It is possible to bring a guest, ie. a partner or a spouse for the dinner. You buy an extra ticket in the system by changing the number of tickets from 1 to 2.   
Price:  650 DKK

Special dietary needs

During the conference, all meals are by default vegetarian. If you would like to have meat for your meals, the barbeque and/or the conference banquet, please tick the relevant boxes in the registration system. If you have food allergies or intolerances, please let us know in the registration system and we will do our best to accommodate you wishes.  


The conference offers the possibility of childcare for researchers who bring their children. The hourly rate for childcare is 20 USD during the day from 8am-7pm. There is also a possibility of childcare during the evening at a higher rate. This can be arranged by contacting the child care agency. Deadline for signing up for child care in the registration system is 15 April 2024. We will contact you thereafter with more information about the child care option.