Aarhus University Seal

Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission is now closed for HBES 2024 in Aarhus, Denmark

The Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES) has invited researchers to submit abstracts for the 2024 HBES Annual Meeting, which will be held in Aarhus, Denmark, from May 22 to 25, 2024.

Date for abstract acceptance confirmation

  • Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2024

Abstract submission deadline

  • Abstract submission deadline: 11:59pm EDT on February 10, 2024 


Please observe this list of required information before filling in the online Abstract submission form.

  • Presenter's name, email-address, affiliation
  • Presentation title and list of authors.
  • The abstract: 200 words or less, written for a professional academic audience.
  • Three keywords
  • OSF or preprint link that can be published in the conference program (optional)
  • Is your abstract part of a symposium, make sure that you and all your co-presenters use the same symposium title when filling out the online form

Presentation formats

  • panel presentation (15 minute presentation + 5 minutes Q&A)
  • blitz-presentation (5 minute presentation at a dedicated Blitz panel mainly intended for junior scholars)
  • poster for the poster session.

Be aware that you can opt for more than one format, in which case the organising committee in collaboration with the the program committee will assign you to one of your chosen options based on an evaluation of the proposed conference contribution.


The HBES Annual Conference Awards include the Post-Doctoral Award, the New Investigator Award, and the Best Poster Award.

  • All posters are automatically eligible for the Best Poster Award.
  • Talks: if your want your talk to be considered for an award, indicate either the New Investigator Award or the Post-Doc Award. And upload the corresponding manuscript as a PDF named "lastname.pdf".
    Please see Conference Awards for eligibility information.