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Abstract submission form

Arts - IKS - Conference HBES 2024 - Submit Abstract

Personal information

If your abstract is part of a symposium, please make sure that you and all your co-presenters state the same symposium title. Please note that symposia should contain no fewer than three and no more than five presentations.

Talk or poster
Please indicate the format(s) you would like to make a conference contribution in. You can select more than one option.
If you select more than one option, the organising committee in collaboration with the program committee will assign you to one of your chosen options based on an evaluation of the proposed conference contribution.
Conference awards

 Post-Doctoral Award and New Investigator Award

  • You are eligible for the Post-Doctoral Award up to five years post-Ph.D.
  • You are eligible for the New Investigator Award if you were a gradaute student at the time of the work.

Additionally, to be eligible you must submit a manuscript corresponding with the abstract you have submitted for a talk. Your manuscript can have co-authors, but you must be the first author on the manuscript, and the manuscript must predominantly describe your own work. Note that the manuscript can be “in prep” (e.g., a pre-print), under review, or accepted for publication.

Please only upload a manuscript if you wish to be considered for an award. (Presentations are free to submit a OSF/preprint link further up in the form.)


If you wish to be considered for an award, please check that you have indicated award type as well as uploaded your manuscript. Thank you.