Tuesday August 27 |
09.00-10.00 Morning Lecture (Auditorium 1) Chair: Troels Nørager Ilaria Ramelli: The reception of Origen's thoughts in Western theological and philosophical traditions. |
10.00-10.20 Coffee Break |
10.20-11.20 Lecture session |
Auditorium 1 Chair: Hugo Lundhaug | Auditorium 2 Chair: Andrea Villani |
Mark Elliot: Tracing the Romans commentary of Origen in Abelard’s: appearance and reality | Karla Pollmann: The Broken Perfume-Flask: Origen’s Legacy in Two Case-Studies |
11.30 – 12.30 Lecture session |
Auditorium 1 Chair: Sebastian Weigert | Auditorium 2 Chair: Marie Odile Boulnois | Auditorium 3 Chair: Uta Heil |
Theo Kobusch: Die Univozität des Moralischen. Die Wirkung des Origenes in Deismus und AufklärungAbstracts | Georgios Skaltsas: La question de l’extase mystique chez Origène et Grégoire de Nysse | Anders-Christian Jacobsen: The reception of Origen’s ideas about universal salvation in Danish theology and literature in the 19th century |
12.30-14.00 Lunch |
14.00-16.40 Workshop session | 14.00-16.40 Workshop session | 14.00-15.00 Paper session |
Auditorium 1 Chair: Carmen Cvetkovic | Auditorium 2 Chair: Blossom Stefaniw | 1441-010 Chair: Peter W. Martens | 1441-110 Chair: Patricia Ciner |
Volker Henning Drecoll and Uta Heil: Origen and Augustine | Hugo Lundhaug: Origenist Monks and the Nag Hammadi Codices and Lance Jenott: “Evagrius Ponticus and the Books from Nag Hammadi: Sources of the Anthropomorphic Controversy in Fifth- Century Egypt and René Falkenberg: Comforting Rheginos – Origenism in Treatise on the Resurrection (NHC I,4)
| Vlad Niculescu: Taking the Bible at Its Word(s) | Maria Munkholt: Origen, Gregory of Nyssa and the fatherhood of “Our Father |
Vít Husek:Origen, Paul Ricoeur and the Absence of Literal Meaning | Anna Usacheva: Mystical identity of an exegete i.d. a perfect Christian |
15.00-15.20 Coffee break |
15.20-16.20 Paper session |
1441-010 Chair: Nick Marshall | 1441-110 Chair: Eirini Artemi |
Patricia Ciner: Origen and the exegesis of the different manuscripts of the Gospel of John | Ilaria Vigorelli: Schesis in Origen |
Domenico Pazzini: SAMARITANA (Gv. 4): ORIGENE / BULTMANN | AbstractsPetr Mikhaylov: Mystery of History in Origen |
16.20-16.40 Coffee break |
16.40-17.40 Paper session |
Auditorium 2 Chair: Tobias Georges | 1441-010 Chair: Franz Xaver | 1441-110 Chair: Maria Munkholt | 1441-120 Chair: Mark Eliot |
Paul Hartog: To Flee or Not to Flee: The Use of Matthew 10:23 | Andrea Villani: Leo Allatius: editor, translator and commentator of Origen’s Homily on the Witch of Endor | Margaret A. Schatkin: The Origenism of St. John Chrysostom in the West from St. Jerome to the Present | Andrew Selby: The Athlete and the Squire: Origen and Kierkegaard on Christian Suffering |
Thomas E. Hunt: Speechlessness in Jerome’s translation of Origen’s Homilies on Luke | Paul B. Decock: The Reception of Origen in the Sermons of Bernard of Clairvaux on the Song of Songs | Filip Outrata: Freedom of the will in Julian of Aeclanum and possible Origenian influences | Jakob Engberg: Origen in Danish (church) historiography ca. 1900 to 2012 |
17.45 Reception, Mohr Siebeck (Foyer) All attendants are cordially invited by Mohr Siebeck to a reception on the occasion of the presentation of the first volume of the new edition of Antike christliche Apokryphen in deutscher Übersetzung |
19.00-21.00 Dinner |