Wednesday 26.10 | |
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From 11.00 | Registration (AIAS Hall) |
12.15 | Welcome. Opening of conference (AIAS Auditorium) |
12.30 | Introduction to the topic of the conference, Prof. dr. Ulla Schmidt, Aarhus University (AIAS Auditorium) |
13.00 – 13.45 | Lunch (AIAS Hall) |
13.45 – 15.15 | Keynote lecture 1, Prof. dr. Frank Hillebrandt, FernUniversität Hagen “Praxis and practices, viewed from the perspective of theory of social practices” Discussion (Chair: Ulla Schmidt) (AIAS Auditorium) |
15.15 – 15.45 | Coffee break (AIAS Hall) |
15.45 – 17.05 | Papers (40 min. pr paper, incl. discussion) | AIAS Auditorium Chair: Kristine Helboe Johansen
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15.45 | Torsen Cress: Materiality and devotion. Investigating religious practices with Theodore Schatzki
| | 16.25 | Morten Holmqvist / Astrid Sandsmark | | | Intervention research design in religious practices | |
17.30 – 18.30 | Dinner (AIAS Hall) |
18.30 – 19.50 | Papers (40 min. pr paper, incl. discussion) | Building 1231, room 220 Chair: Hans Stifoss-Hansen
| Building 1231, room 224 Chair: Peter Lodberg
18.30 | Jette B. Rønkilde: The concept of theology in qualitative empirical theology
| Tone S. Kaufman: From the outside, within or inbetween? Normative dimensions in practical theology
| 19.10 | Kati Tervo-Niemelä: Creating and finding meaningfulness in religious praxis – a mixed method approach | Elisabeth Tveito Johnsen: Towards a non-prescriptive understanding of normativity in practical theological research |
Thursday 27.10 | |
09.00 – 10.30 | Keynote lecture 2, Prof. dr. Geir Afdal, Norwegian School of Theology “Studies of religious practices as theology. From empirical to impure theology" Discussion (Chair: Hans Raun Iversen) (AIAS Auditorium) |
10.30 – 11.00 | Coffee break (AIAS Hall) |
11.00 – 13.00 | Papers (40 min. pr paper, incl. discussion) | Building 1231, room 214 Chair: Elisabet Pettersson
| Building 1231, room 216 Chair: Kirsten D. Felter
11.15 | Hans Stifoss-Hanssen/Lars J. Danbolt: An empirical research project in theology: Pastoral care
| Pekka Mesto: "Reforming eucharistic practices in Orthodox Chruch in Finland since 1970: A modern example of lex credendi shaping lex orandi
| 11.55 | Marianne Gaarden: Implications of the empirical turn for theological teaching and education
| Hans Austnaberg: Validity of worldviews? Paul G. Hiebert as anthropologist and missiologist
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13.00 – 14.00 | Lunch (AIAS Hall) |
14.00 – 15.30 | Keynote lecture 3, Prof. dr. Claire Wolfteich, Boston University, School of Theology “The study of practices: Investigations in Practical Theology and Spirituality Studies" Discussion (Chair: Kirstine Helboe Johansen) NB! Building 1231, 424 (auditorium 4th floor)
15.30 – 16.15 | Coffee break [Venue to be announced] |
16.15 – 17.35 | Papers (40 min. pr paper, incl. discussion) | Building 1170, room 240 Chair: Jette B. Rønkilde
| Building 1170, room 248 Chair: Elisabeth Tveito Johnsen
16.15 | Jan Nylund: The construction of the “I” in the Lord’s Prayer: A social constructive discourse analysis
| Frederik Saxegaard: Exploring passage points between practice theories and practical theologies
| 16.55 | Sr. Maura Behrenfeld: Abstract art as embodied medium for engagement in "natural religiosi-ty"
| Hans Raun Iversen: From empirical theology to the practicipartory turn and practice as research
19.30 | Conference dinner at the Godsbanen |
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Friday 28.10 | |
09.00 – 11.00 | Papers (40 min. pr paper, incl. discussion) | Building 1231, room 214 Chair: Kirstine Helboe Johansen | Building 1231, room 216 Chair: Tone Kaufman
09.00 | Sivert Angel: Homiletic research as a study of rhetorical praxis
| Karen M. Meetad: The pastor: A leader of the Sunday Service
| 09.40 | Linn S. Rystad: Narratives in use in preaching – a sociocultural and dialogical approach | Kirsten Donekov Felter: Office or personal calling? Negotiations of ministry among Danish Folk Church Pastors
| 10.20 | Sini Hulmi: Participants of worship as makers of sermon – a case study | Terese B. Kessel: "When one is sick, we are all sick." African diakonia as a model for European diakonia?
11.00 – 11.30 | Coffee break (AIAS Hall) |
11.30 – 13.00 | Praxis and practice studies of religion: a challenge to theology and practical theology Invited inputs from: - Sociology of religion: Prof. MSO Lene Kühle (Aarhus University)
- Systematic theology: Prof. dr. Jan-Olav Henriksen (Norwegian School of Theology)
- Practical theology: Prof. Kati Tervo-Niemelä (University of Helsinki)
Plenary discussion (Chair: Ulla Schmidt) (AIAS Auditorium) |
13.00 – 13.45 | Lunch (AIAS hall) |
13.45 – 15.00 | Nordic Network for Practical Theology, founding meeting (AIAS meeting room) |
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