The plenary sessions will create a shared reference point for the conference participants in our discussion of the value of arts and culture and how to evaluate it. Each will address different aspects of the theme linked to the different tracks of the conference.
The Value of Culture: Wednesday 17.30-18.30 Why aren't we better at articulating the value of arts and culture? by Geoffrey Crossick
Museum Research: Thursday 9.00-15 Dissemination and impact of Museum Research. Organised by the Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces and Ministry of Culture Research Committee
The Value of Culture: Friday 9.00-11.00 How does arts and culture engage with global societal challenges? Organised by Hotel Pro Forma and ARoS Aarhus Art Museum
Evaluation of European Capitals of Culture: Friday 14.10-15.15 Panel on the evaluation of Hull 2017, Valletta 2018 and Aarhus 2017 by Franco Bianchini, Graziella Vella and Louise Ejgod Hansen