It is no longer possible to submit an abstract for consideration as a contributed talk or a poster at ECOSS34.
All submitted abstracts for posters were reviewed by the committee and you should now have received confirmation of acceptance of your submission. All accepted talks and posters have been assigned a new identification code, which was sent with the acceptance email, and will be used to identify the contribution online and in the printed booklet.
The full scientific programme can be found on the website, with lists of talks and posters for each topic also linked from the session topics page.
If the submitting author is not able to participate in the conference please contact the organisers to inform them of any changes. You can select one of the co-authors of an abstract to be the new presenting author or withdraw the abstract so that it will not be included in the final programme. Whatever you decide, please contact the organisers immediately, to let them know of any changes to your submission.