Aarhus University Seal


SPM workshop

Sunday 26th August , 10:00-16:00, €50 (Lunch and coffee included)

Location: Auditorium G1 - Building 1532, Room 116, Aarhus University
     Map showing the location of Auditorium G1 

The workshop is aimed for young scientist but also for experienced researchers interested in advances in SPM. The SPM tutorials will cover the following topics:

Atomic force microscopy (Prof. Jeppe Lauritsen)

- AFM basics

- non-contact AFM

- forces in AFM

- contrast interpretation in atom-resolved AFM

- Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy

- novel developments

Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (Prof. Katharina Franke)

- theory of STM

- tunneling spectroscopy methods and experimental examples

- energy resolution in STS

- inelastic tunneling spectroscopy (vibrations and spin excitations)

- recent advances in tunneling spectroscopy

Quasiparticle interference (Prof. Carsten Busse)

- QPI basics

- experiment and data analysis

- selection rules (spin, pseudospin)

- suppression of scattering signal (layer polarization, destructive interference) 

How to measure magnetic properties of adsorbates on surfaces using STM (Prof. Katharina Franke)

- spin excitations

- Kondo effect

- Shiba states

Advanced STM techniques (Prof. Alexander Ako Khajetoorians)

-atomic manipulation

-spin-polarized STM (of atoms and thin metallic films)

-time-resolved STM applied to magnetic systems


Detailed programme

10:00-10:45  J. Lauritsen

10:45-11:00  discussion and coffee 

11:00-12:30  K. Franke

12:30-12:45  discussion and coffee 

12:45-13:30  Lunch

13:30-14:15  C. Busse

14:15 -14:30  discussion and coffee  

14:30-15:15  A. Ako Khajetoorians

15:15-15:30  discussion and coffee