Aarhus University Seal

ICALP workshops

Accepted Workshops:

Algorithmic Aspects of Temporal Graphs


  • George B Mertzios
  • Paul G. Spirakis
  • Eleni C. Akrida
  • Viktor Zamaraev



  • Georgios Amanatidis
  • Aris Filos-Ratsikas
  • Alexandros A. Voudouris

Loop Invariants and Algebraic Reasoning


  • George Kenison
  • Mahsa Shirmohammadi


Graph Width Parameters


  • Flavia Bonomo
  • Nick Brettell
  • Andrea Munaro
  • Daniel Paulusma 

Theory and Applications of Algorithms with Predictions


  • Spryos Angelopoulos
  • Antonios Antoniadis
  • Marek Elias
  • Lene Monrad Favrholdt
  • Nicole Megow

Submission guidelines and important dates:

ICALP will be located in Aarhus from 8th to 11th of July. We invite proposals for workshops on topics of interest to the ICALP. Proposals must be limited to three pages and should be submitted to schwiegelshohn@cs.au.dk  

Proposals should include:

  • Workshop's name and URL if already available or from previous years.
  • A short scientific summary and justification of the proposed topic; this should include a discussion of the particular benefits of any topic related to ICALP conferences
  • A list of workshop organizers with contact information
  • The suggested affiliated conference (if the workshop can be attractive to more than one conference, please also mention that)
  • Potential invited speakers (please specify their expected number and, if possible, tentative names)
  • Procedures for selecting presentations (if you plan a call for contributed talks or papers followed by a selection procedure, the submission date should be scheduled after the affiliated conference's notification date, while the notification should take place before the early registration deadline)
  • Plans for publication, if any (e.g. proceeding, journal special issue, etc.)
  • Proposed format and agenda (e.g. in person only or also hybrid, paper presentations, tutorials, demo sessions)
  • The proposed duration (e.g. 1/2, 1, 2 day(s))
  • Expected number of participants, providing some data on previous years, if the workshop has already been organised in the past
  • Any other relevant information and special wishes regarding the schedule (e.g. time closeness/overlapping to a precise conference, workshops that should (not) be planned on the same day)

The organising and workshop committees of ICALP will determine the final list of accepted workshops based on semantic pertinence and time/space availability. The conference will provide a room, internet connection and help with some local organization. Refreshments and meals will be served in sync with the three conferences.

Workshop proposal submission deadline

15 November 2024


Early December 2025

Programme of the workshops ready

31 May 2025


7 July 2024