Aarhus University Seal


Department of Mathematics
Aarhus University
Ny Munkegade 118, bldg. 1530
DK-8000 Aarhus C

Map with locations relating to the QMath14 conference:

Aarhus City Hall - ARoS Art Museum – Central Station/Airport shuttlebus – Hotels

  • WALK: It is a 23-30 minute walk between the hotels and the QMath14 venue (once you are on Langelandsgade, you continue to go straight ahead)
  • BUS: bus No. 2A or 13 are running every 10 minutes Ticket (DKK 22) from ticket machine on bus or on midttrafik.dk – please note: only coins are accepted and you enter the bus via the back door
  • TAXI: +45 89 48 48 48 or outside the train station

The map and the above information is also available as a PDF